Results57 packages
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Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.#bloc#state-management
Lightweight and customizable BLoC state management library logger on talker base.#bloc#state#cubit#logging#log
A dependency injection for BLoC, implemented with Pod as alternative to provider.#bloc#pod#atom#dependency-injection#state-management
A Flutter package that helps implementing the BLoC (Business Logic Component) Design Pattern using the power of reactive streams.
Minimalist and Easy State Management for Bloc Inspired from Dart Generics.
Fully customizable and easy to use uiblock package for your flutter apps
Flutter package that simplifies injection and usage of Bloc/Cubit.
Just a package with bases to deploy the BloC your code. Modules, Consumers And BLoC!
A webview for flutter with adblocking capability. It's currently based on Flutter InAppWebview Plugin.

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