indicator library


indicator listener received metrics by Storage listener
Variable related library of Local Data Storage (LDS)
GEIGER Local Data Storage Node path(Type)


logger ↔ Logger
getter/setter pair


aggregateScore() Future
Calculate aggregate risk score refer existed all metrics
checkExistNodes() Future
check indicator nodes whether exist or not geiger score node which is created by indicator
createRecommendationNode(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName) Future
create geiger recommendation node
createScoreMSENode(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName) Future
create geiger MSE score node (company total risk score, all employees)
createScoreNode(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName, dynamic type) Future
create geiger score node (user, device, aggregate)
crtAggregateScore() Future
Calculate total, MSE score refer all metrics (external plugin, pairing, recommendations)
crtGRecommendation(dynamic type) Future
generate metric of recommendations
crtThreatScore(dynamic type) Future
Calculate risk score based on indicator algorithm the metrics from external plugin and recommendations
crtTotalThreatScore(dynamic type) Future
Calculate total risk score
forUpdateNormalization(dynamic metricNode) Future
Normalization for metrics min, max, value
generateImplementedReco(dynamic recos, dynamic type) Future
To check recommendations whether exist or not For implemented recommendation metric
generateThreats() Future
Parsing ':Global:threats' Node Normal threats -> GEIGER threats (12) GEIGER threats (12) defined by CERT
getCompanyProfile() Future
Get company type from Enterprise Node (associatedProfiles) risk metric is different base on company tye
getCurrentScore() Future
Get current device scores GEIGER Score => Risk Score number of metrics => How many metric data used on calculation threats score => risk score each threat (e.g, Phishing, Malware etc.)
getCurrentUUID() Future
Get Current Device, User UUID
getEmployeesSharedScore() Future
Prepare risk score of shared employee for calculate MSE score (company score)
getExistMetrics(dynamic type) Future
Get exist metrics from Local Data Storage key => global threat UUID unique (12) value => metric Map List metric Map List => {metric, normalization},....
getExistScoreNodes(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName, dynamic type) Future
Check exist geiger score nodes if it does not exist to create node
getImplementedRecommendations(dynamic uuid) Future
Prepare metric between threatWeight and recommendation parameter UUID is implemented recommendations uuid on GEIGER toolbox (UI) by user
getPluginReco(Node plugin) Future
Update Map<String, List
getProfiles() Future
Get global profile data it is static from cloud and cyber security institute define threat value base on company type (based, enabler, dependent) ** threat uuid in global profile is match to global threat uuid ** ** that mean uuid of global threat is static, fixed **
getRecommendation() Future
Making Map<String, List
getScoreAll() Future
Preparation Aggregate Score (Total Score) from User, Device Nodes To check current User, Device Node and Pairing Node (shared my another device score)
getSensorDataPath() Future
To check exist metric data - when application run multiple time
isExistParentNode(dynamic path) Future
To check preparation parent nodes if it does not exist can not proceed indicator
pnMetrics(Map<String, List> metricMap, dynamic threatUUID) Future
metrics calculation (positive, negative) based on algorithm
recoMetrics(dynamic metrics, dynamic threatUUID) Future
metrics calculation (threat effect about recommendations) based on algorithm
registerListener(dynamic l, dynamic path, dynamic type) Future
Register Listener based on path, Value using Local Storage Listener
riskMetrics(dynamic threatUUID) Future
Get threat metric about company type associatedProfiles under ':Enterprise' Node company type => based, enabler, dependent
runIndicator(dynamic indicatorID, dynamic loggerLevel) Future
setSensorDataList(dynamic type, dynamic tempIDList) Future
To make a list of metric data list
setValueListener() Future
Set the trigger to get data for calculation using Local Storage Listener
storeV(dynamic profileName, dynamic metrics, dynamic normalThreatUUIDList) Future
Makes profile metric each company type {threatUUID (1...*) : metric (1)}
updateData(Node? metricNode) Future
Update risk score as latest Refer latest metrics from external plugins
updateMetrics(dynamic type, dynamic metricNode) Future
Parsing metrics (positive, negative) from external plugin using Storage Listener key => global threat UUID unique (12) value => metric Map List metric Map List => {metric, normalization},....
updateRecommendationNode(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName, dynamic type) Future
update geiger recommendation node
updateScoreMSENode() Future
update geiger MSE score node it required employee pairing and main user (CEO)
updateScoreNode(dynamic path, dynamic nodeName, dynamic type) Future
update geiger score node (user, device, aggregate) To get metrics (external plugin, recommendations)