getScoreAll function

Future getScoreAll()

Preparation Aggregate Score (Total Score) from User, Device Nodes To check current User, Device Node and Pairing Node (shared my another device score)


Future getScoreAll() async{

  ///Prevent duplication
  CoreValues.aggregateThreatsScore = '';

  ///For shared threat score from another my device score
  var sharedthreatsScoreList = [];

  ///For current device my threat scores
  var currentThreatsScoreList = [];

  try {

    ///Get current all information of device, user risk score
    currentThreatsScoreList = await getCurrentScore();
    logger.d('indiC getScore threatsScoreAggregate getCurrentScore $currentThreatsScoreList');

    ///Sum threat risk score from current device, user score
    for(var i = 0; i < CoreValues.geigerThreatUUID.length; i++){

      var tempDevice = currentThreatsScoreList[0][i].split(',');
      var tempUser = currentThreatsScoreList[1][i].split(',');
      var score = (double.parse(tempDevice[1])+double.parse(tempUser[1]))/2;

      CoreValues.aggregateThreatsScore += '${tempDevice[0]},$score;';

    try {
      ///Get shared risk score of another my device
      ///regarding sharing information to check on GEIGER wiki
      var devicesPairingNode = await Storage.controller.get(':Enterprise:Users:${Storage.userUUID}:devicesPairing');
      var getChildren = await devicesPairingNode.getChildren();
      var devicesIterator = getChildren.entries.iterator;

      ///Check shared risk score of another my devices (0...*)
      ///Based on GEIGER wiki
      while (devicesIterator.moveNext()) {

//          var userNameNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('userName');
//          var useruuidNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('userUUID');
//          var devicenameNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('deviceName');
        var sharedGEIGERScoreNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('sharedGeigesharedThreatsScorerScore');
        var sharedThreatsScoreNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('');
        var sharedNumberOfMetricNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('sharedNumberOfMetric');
//          var sharedScoreDateNode = await devicesIterator.current.value.getValue('sharedScoreDate');

//          var username = userNameNode!.getValue('en');
//          var useruuid = useruuidNode!.getValue('en');
//          var devicename = devicenameNode!.getValue('en');
        var sharedGEIGERScore = sharedGEIGERScoreNode!.getValue('en');
  var sharedThreatsScore = sharedThreatsScoreNode!.getValue('en');
  var sharedNumberOfMetric = sharedNumberOfMetricNode!.getValue('en');
//          var sharedScoreDate = sharedScoreDateNode!.getValue('en');

  var tempSharedThreatsScore = sharedThreatsScore!.split(';');

  ///Makes Map {Risk Score: Number of Metric}
  ///this store at global value 'CoreValues.aggregate'
  var tempMap = {};
  tempMap[sharedGEIGERScore] = sharedNumberOfMetric;


  ///Sum shared risk threat score from shared devices
  for(var threatsScoreAggregate in sharedthreatsScoreList ){

  for(var i = 0; i < CoreValues.geigerThreatUUID.length; i++){

  var tempTSA = threatsScoreAggregate[i].split(',');
  var score = double.parse(tempTSA[1]);

  CoreValues.aggregateThreatsScore += '${tempTSA[0]},$score;';

  } on StorageException {
  logger.i("Doesn't exists your Pairing devices, Please pair your devices");


  }catch (e){
  logger.i('indiA getScore ${e.toString()}');
