getExistMetrics function

Future getExistMetrics(
  1. dynamic type

Get exist metrics from Local Data Storage key => global threat UUID unique (12) value => metric Map List metric Map List => {metric, normalization},....


Future getExistMetrics(var type) async {

  logger.d('getValuePath => ${Storage.getValuePath}');
    for (var path in Storage.getValuePath) {

      Node metricNode = await Storage.controller.get(path);
      var childrenNodes = await metricNode.getChildren();
      var metricNodeIterator = childrenNodes.entries.iterator;

      ///loop exist metrics data based path
          while (metricNodeIterator.moveNext()) {

            ///Normalization for metrics
            var normalizationValue = await forUpdateNormalization(metricNodeIterator.current.value);

            ///get threats related this metrics
            var threatsImpactNode = await metricNodeIterator.current.value.getValue('threatsImpact');
            var threatsMetricList = threatsImpactNode!.getValue('en')!.split(';');

            ///{threat UUID,metric;....}
            for (var metrics in threatsMetricList) {

            ///metric[0] => threat UUID
            ///metric[1] => high, medium, low
            var metric = metrics.split(',');

            ///A Flag describes Positive or Negative
            ///To indicate if the higher is the sensor value is the better or not
            ///value the higher is positive, lower is negative
            var flagNode = await metricNodeIterator.current.value.getValue('flag');
            if (flagNode!.getValue('en') == '1') {

          //                  Node impactNormal = NodeImpl(':pimn', 'gg');
          //                  await impactNormal.addOrUpdateValue(NodeValueImpl('impact', metric[1]));
          //                  await impactNormal.addOrUpdateValue(NodeValueImpl('normal', normalizationValue.toString()));

            var metricMap ={};
            metricMap['metric'] = metric[1];
            metricMap['normalization'] = normalizationValue.toString();

                  if (type == Types.devices) {
                      try {
                          if(metric[0].isNotEmpty) CoreValues.devicePositive[metric[0]]!.add(metricMap);
                      } catch (e) {
                          var temp = <Map>[];
                          CoreValues.devicePositive[metric[0]] = temp;
                  } else {
                      try {
                          if(metric[0].isNotEmpty) CoreValues.userPositive[metric[0]]!.add(metricMap);
                      } catch (e) {
                          var temp = <Map>[];
                          CoreValues.userPositive[metric[0]] = temp;

                  } else {
                        //                  Node impactNormal = NodeImpl(':nimpn', 'gg');
                        //                  await impactNormal.addOrUpdateValue(NodeValueImpl('impact', threatsImpact[1]));
                        //                  await impactNormal.addOrUpdateValue(NodeValueImpl('normal', normalizationValue.toString()));

                          var metricMap ={};
                          metricMap['metric'] = metric[1];
                          metricMap['normalization'] = normalizationValue.toString();

                          if (type == Types.devices) {
                              try {
                                  if(metric[0].isNotEmpty) CoreValues.deviceNegative[metric[0]]!.add(metricMap);
                              } catch (e) {
                                  var temp = <Map>[];
                                  CoreValues.deviceNegative[metric[0]] = temp;
                          } else {
                            try {
                                  if(metric[0].isNotEmpty) CoreValues.userNegative[metric[0]]!.add(metricMap);
                            } catch (e) {
                                  var temp = <Map>[];
                                  CoreValues.userNegative[metric[0]] = temp;

  } on StorageException {
     logger.e('does not exist metric data');
  catch (e) {