CoreValues class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

aggregate List<Map>
total risk score list (current, pairing) To calculate aggregate, MSE score with pairing (devices, employees) Makes Map {Risk Score: Number of Metric}
getter/setter pair
aggregateThreatsScore String
total risk score each threat (current, pairing) To sum all risk score each threat from (current, pairing)
getter/setter pair
based Map
getter/setter pair
dependent Map
threat metrics about company type
getter/setter pair
deviceImplementedRecommendation Map<String, List<double>>
getter/setter pair
deviceNegative Map<String, List>
getter/setter pair
devicePositive Map<String, List>
getter/setter pair
deviceRecommendation Map<String, List<Map>>
getter/setter pair
deviceThreatScore Map
getter/setter pair
enabler Map
getter/setter pair
enterpriseNode Map
store ':Enterprise' Node information
getter/setter pair
flagMainUser bool
getter/setter pair
gagg double
Values from indicator algorithm
getter/setter pair
geigerNameThreatUUID Map
geiger threat (threat type) (12) {unique} : threat UUID (1...*)
getter/setter pair
geigerThreatNameThreatUUID Map
geiger threat name (type of threat) (12) {unique} : geiger threat UUID (12) {unique}
getter/setter pair
geigerThreatUUID List
Global:profile Factor for risk score calculation geiger threat UUID (12) {unique}
getter/setter pair
geigerThreatUUIDThreatName Map
geiger threat UUID (12) {unique} : geiger threat name (type of threat) (12) {unique}
getter/setter pair
impactValues Map<String, double>
baseline to convert 'string' of metric about threat, recommendation
getter/setter pair
nagg String
getter/setter pair
scoreDescription String
getter/setter pair
threatNameThreatUUID Map
threat Name (1...) : threat UUID (1...)
getter/setter pair
threatUUIDGeigerName Map
threat UUID (1...*) : geiger threat name (type of threat) (12) {unique}
getter/setter pair
threatUUIDThreatName Map
threat UUID (1...) : threat Name (1...)
getter/setter pair
userImplementedRecommendation Map<String, List<double>>
metric, countermeasures, Users whether follow recommendation or not if user completed recommendation on UI, it delivery to indicator by Storage listener
getter/setter pair
userNegative Map<String, List>
getter/setter pair
userPositive Map<String, List>
metrics (positive, negative) key => geiger threat UUID value => geiger value from external plugin
getter/setter pair
userRecommendation Map<String, List<Map>>
global recommendation metrics from Cloud it is static, defined by cyber security institute
getter/setter pair
userThreatScore Map
risk score list each threat To calculate total geiger risk score
getter/setter pair
uuidDeviceImplementedRecommendations List
implemented recommendation list To manage, synchronize latest implemented recommendation list between UI and indicator
getter/setter pair
uuidThreats List
GEIGER Threats UUID, Name is prefixed on Cloud (Wiki) (About 12, 29,JUL,2022) The name of geiger threats categorize threat domain For example : About Phishing would be exist several 1...* Indicator must to convert threat from external plugin to GEIGER threats threat UUID List
getter/setter pair
uuidUserImplementedRecommendations List
getter/setter pair