WebGLRenderer class


WebGLRenderer(Map<String, dynamic>? parameters)


alpha bool
getter/setter pair
attributes WebGLAttributes
getter/setter pair
autoClear bool
getter/setter pair
autoClearColor bool
getter/setter pair
autoClearDepth bool
getter/setter pair
autoClearStencil bool
getter/setter pair
background WebGLBackground
getter/setter pair
bindingStates WebGLBindingStates
getter/setter pair
bufferRenderer BaseWebGLBufferRenderer
getter/setter pair
capabilities WebGLCapabilities
getter/setter pair
clipping WebGLClipping
getter/setter pair
clippingPlanes List<Plane>
getter/setter pair
cubemaps WebGLCubeMaps
getter/setter pair
cubeuvmaps WebGLCubeUVMaps
getter/setter pair
currentRenderList WebGLRenderList?
getter/setter pair
currentRenderState WebGLRenderState?
getter/setter pair
debug Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
depth bool
getter/setter pair
domElement ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
extensions WebGLExtensions
getter/setter pair
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat bool
getter/setter pair
geometries WebGLGeometries
getter/setter pair
gl → dynamic
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double
no setter
indexedBufferRenderer WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer
getter/setter pair
info WebGLInfo
getter/setter pair
localClippingEnabled bool
getter/setter pair
materials WebGLMaterials
getter/setter pair
morphtargets WebGLMorphtargets
getter/setter pair
objects WebGLObjects
getter/setter pair
onAnimationFrameCallback ↔ void Function(double)?
getter/setter pair
outputEncoding int
getter/setter pair
parameters Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
physicallyCorrectLights bool
getter/setter pair
powerPreference String
getter/setter pair
premultipliedAlpha bool
getter/setter pair
preserveDrawingBuffer bool
getter/setter pair
programCache WebGLPrograms
getter/setter pair
projScreenMatrix Matrix4
getter/setter pair
properties WebGLProperties
getter/setter pair
renderLists WebGLRenderLists
getter/setter pair
renderListStack List<WebGLRenderList>
getter/setter pair
renderStates WebGLRenderStates
getter/setter pair
renderStateStack List<WebGLRenderState>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shadowMap WebGLShadowMap
getter/setter pair
sortObjects bool
getter/setter pair
state WebGLState
getter/setter pair
stencil bool
getter/setter pair
textures WebGLTextures
getter/setter pair
toneMapping int
getter/setter pair
toneMappingExposure double
getter/setter pair
utils WebGLUtils
getter/setter pair
width double
no setter
xr WebXRManager
getter/setter pair


clear([bool color = true, bool depth = true, bool stencil = true]) → void
clearColor() → void
clearDepth() → void
clearStencil() → void
compile(Object3D scene, Camera camera) → void
copyFramebufferToTexture(dynamic position, Texture texture, {int level = 0}) → void
copyTextureToTexture(dynamic position, Texture srcTexture, dynamic dstTexture, {int level = 0}) → void
copyTextureToTexture3D(Box3 sourceBox, Vector3 position, Texture srcTexture, Texture dstTexture, {int level = 0}) → void
deallocateMaterial(Material material) → void
dispose() → void
forceContextLoss() → void
forceContextRestore() → void
getActiveCubeFace() int
getActiveMipmapLevel() int
getClearAlpha() double
getClearColor(Color target) Color
getContext() → dynamic
getContextAttributes() → dynamic
getCurrentViewport(Vector4 target) Vector4
getDrawingBufferSize(Vector2 target) Vector2
getPixelRatio() double
getProgram(Material material, Object3D? scene, Object3D object) WebGLProgram?
getRenderTarget() RenderTarget?
getRenderTargetGLTexture(RenderTarget renderTarget) int
getScissor(dynamic target) → dynamic
getScissorTest() bool
getSize(Vector2 target) Vector2
getTargetPixelRatio() double
getViewport(Vector4 target) Vector4
initGLContext() → void
initTexture(Texture texture) → void
markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate(Map<String, dynamic> uniforms, dynamic value) → void
materialNeedsLights(Material material) bool
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAnimationFrame(double time) → void
onContextRestore() → void
onMaterialDispose(Event event) → void
projectObject(Object3D object, Camera camera, int groupOrder, bool sortObjects) → void
readRenderTargetPixels(WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget, dynamic x, dynamic y, dynamic width, dynamic height, dynamic buffer, dynamic activeCubeFaceIndex) → void
releaseMaterialProgramReferences(Material material) → void
render(Object3D scene, Camera camera) → void
renderBufferDirect(Camera camera, Object3D? scene, BufferGeometry geometry, Material material, Object3D object, Map<String, dynamic>? group) → void
renderObject(Object3D object, dynamic scene, Camera camera, BufferGeometry geometry, Material material, Map<String, dynamic>? group) → void
renderObjects(List<RenderItem> renderList, Object3D scene, Camera camera) → void
renderScene(WebGLRenderList currentRenderList, Object3D scene, Camera camera, [Vector4? viewport]) → void
renderTransmissionPass(List<RenderItem> opaqueObjects, Object3D scene, Camera camera) → void
resetState() → void
setClearAlpha(double alpha) → void
setClearColor(Color color, [double alpha = 1.0]) → void
setDrawingBufferSize(double width, double height, double pixelRatio) → void
setOpaqueSort(Function? method) → void
setPixelRatio(double value) → void
setProgram(Camera camera, Object3D? scene, BufferGeometry? geometry, Material material, Object3D object) WebGLProgram
setRenderTarget(RenderTarget? renderTarget, [int activeCubeFace = 0, int activeMipmapLevel = 0]) → void
setRenderTargetFramebuffer(RenderTarget renderTarget, dynamic defaultFramebuffer) → void
setRenderTargetTextures(RenderTarget renderTarget, dynamic colorTexture, dynamic depthTexture) → void
setScissor(num x, num y, num width, num height) → void
setScissorTest(bool boolean) → void
setSize(double width, double height, [bool updateStyle = false]) → void
setTransparentSort(Function? method) → void
setViewport(num x, num y, double width, double height) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateCommonMaterialProperties(Material material, dynamic parameters) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.