setProgram method

WebGLProgram setProgram(
  1. Camera camera,
  2. Object3D? scene,
  3. BufferGeometry? geometry,
  4. Material material,
  5. Object3D object,


WebGLProgram setProgram(
    Camera camera, Object3D? scene, BufferGeometry? geometry, Material material, Object3D object) {
  if (scene is! Scene) scene = _emptyScene;
  // scene could be a Mesh, Line, Points, ...

  var fog = scene.fog;
  var environment = material is MeshStandardMaterial ? scene.environment : null;
  var encoding = (_currentRenderTarget == null)
      ? outputEncoding
      : (_currentRenderTarget!.isXRRenderTarget == true ? _currentRenderTarget!.texture.encoding : LinearEncoding);

  Texture? envMap;
  if (material is MeshStandardMaterial) {
    envMap = cubeuvmaps.get(material.envMap ?? environment);
  } else {
    envMap = cubemaps.get(material.envMap ?? environment);

  bool vertexAlphas = material.vertexColors == true &&
      geometry != null &&
      geometry.attributes["color"] != null &&
      geometry.attributes["color"].itemSize == 4;
  bool vertexTangents = material.normalMap != null && geometry != null && geometry.attributes["tangent"] != null;
  bool morphTargets = geometry != null && geometry.morphAttributes["position"] != null;
  bool morphNormals = geometry != null && geometry.morphAttributes["normal"] != null;
  bool morphColors = geometry != null && geometry.morphAttributes["color"] != null;

  int toneMapping = material.toneMapped ? this.toneMapping : NoToneMapping;

  List<BufferAttribute>? morphAttribute = geometry != null
      ? (geometry.morphAttributes["position"] ??
          geometry.morphAttributes["normal"] ??
      : null;
  int morphTargetsCount = (morphAttribute != null) ? morphAttribute.length : 0;

  Map<String, dynamic> materialProperties = properties.get(material);
  WebGLLights lights = currentRenderState!.state.lights;

  if (_clippingEnabled == true) {
    if (_localClippingEnabled == true || camera != _currentCamera) {
      var useCache = camera == _currentCamera && == _currentMaterialId;

      // we might want to call this function with some ClippingGroup
      // object instead of the material, once it becomes feasible
      // (#8465, #8379)
      clipping.setState(material, camera, useCache);


  bool needsProgramChange = false;

  if (material.version == materialProperties["__version"]) {
    if (materialProperties["needsLights"] != null &&
        (materialProperties["lightsStateVersion"] != lights.state.version)) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["outputEncoding"] != encoding) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (object is InstancedMesh && materialProperties["instancing"] == false) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (object is! InstancedMesh && materialProperties["instancing"] == true) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (object is SkinnedMesh && materialProperties["skinning"] == false) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (object is! SkinnedMesh && materialProperties["skinning"] == true) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["envMap"] != envMap) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (material.fog && materialProperties["fog"] != fog) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["numClippingPlanes"] != null &&
        (materialProperties["numClippingPlanes"] != clipping.numPlanes ||
            materialProperties["numIntersection"] != clipping.numIntersection)) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["vertexAlphas"] != vertexAlphas) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["vertexTangents"] != vertexTangents) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["morphTargets"] != morphTargets) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["morphNormals"] != morphNormals) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["morphColors"] != morphColors) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (materialProperties["toneMapping"] != toneMapping) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
    } else if (capabilities.isWebGL2 == true && materialProperties["morphTargetsCount"] != morphTargetsCount) {
      needsProgramChange = true;
  } else {
    needsProgramChange = true;
    materialProperties["__version"] = material.version;

  WebGLProgram? program = materialProperties["currentProgram"];

  if (needsProgramChange) {
    program = getProgram(material, scene, object);

  bool refreshProgram = false;
  bool refreshMaterial = false;
  bool refreshLights = false;

  var pUniforms = program!.getUniforms();
  Map<String, dynamic> mUniforms = materialProperties["uniforms"];

  if (state.useProgram(program.program)) {
    refreshProgram = true;
    refreshMaterial = true;
    refreshLights = true;

  if ( != _currentMaterialId) {
    _currentMaterialId =;

    refreshMaterial = true;

  if (refreshProgram || _currentCamera != camera) {
    pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'projectionMatrix', camera.projectionMatrix, textures);

    if (capabilities.logarithmicDepthBuffer) {
      pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'logDepthBufFC', 2.0 / (Math.log(camera.far + 1.0) / Math.ln2), textures);

    if (_currentCamera != camera) {
      _currentCamera = camera;

      // lighting uniforms depend on the camera so enforce an update
      // now, in case this material supports lights - or later, when
      // the next material that does gets activated:

      refreshMaterial = true; // set to true on material change
      refreshLights = true; // remains set until update done


    // load material specific uniforms
    // (shader material also gets them for the sake of genericity)

    if (material is ShaderMaterial ||
        material is MeshPhongMaterial ||
        material is MeshToonMaterial ||
        material is MeshStandardMaterial ||
        material.envMap != null) {
      var uCamPos =["cameraPosition"];

      if (uCamPos != null) {
        uCamPos.setValue(_gl, _vector3.setFromMatrixPosition(camera.matrixWorld));

    if (material is MeshPhongMaterial ||
        material is MeshToonMaterial ||
        material is MeshLambertMaterial ||
        material is MeshBasicMaterial ||
        material is MeshStandardMaterial ||
        material is ShaderMaterial) {
      pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'isOrthographic', camera is OrthographicCamera, textures);

    if (material is MeshPhongMaterial ||
        material is MeshToonMaterial ||
        material is MeshLambertMaterial ||
        material is MeshBasicMaterial ||
        material is MeshStandardMaterial ||
        material is ShaderMaterial ||
        material is ShadowMaterial ||
        object is SkinnedMesh) {
      pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'viewMatrix', camera.matrixWorldInverse, textures);

  // skinning uniforms must be set even if material didn't change
  // auto-setting of texture unit for bone texture must go before other textures
  // otherwise textures used for skinning can take over texture units reserved for other material textures

  if (object is SkinnedMesh) {
    pUniforms.setOptional(_gl, object, 'bindMatrix');
    pUniforms.setOptional(_gl, object, 'bindMatrixInverse');

    var skeleton = object.skeleton;

    if (skeleton != null) {
      if (capabilities.floatVertexTextures) {
        if (skeleton.boneTexture == null) skeleton.computeBoneTexture();

        pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'boneTexture', skeleton.boneTexture, textures);
        pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'boneTextureSize', skeleton.boneTextureSize, textures);
      } else {
            'three.WebGLRenderer: SkinnedMesh can only be used with WebGL 2. With WebGL 1 OES_texture_float and vertex textures support is required.');

  var morphAttributes = geometry!.morphAttributes;

  if (morphAttributes["position"] != null ||
      morphAttributes["normal"] != null ||
      (morphAttributes["color"] != null && capabilities.isWebGL2 == true)) {
    morphtargets.update(object, geometry, material, program);

  if (refreshMaterial || materialProperties["receiveShadow"] != object.receiveShadow) {
    materialProperties["receiveShadow"] = object.receiveShadow;
    pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'receiveShadow', object.receiveShadow, textures);

  // print(" setProgram .......... material: ${material.type} ");

  if (refreshMaterial) {
    pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'toneMappingExposure', toneMappingExposure, textures);

    if (materialProperties["needsLights"]) {
      // the current material requires lighting info

      // note: all lighting uniforms are always set correctly
      // they simply reference the renderer's state for their
      // values
      // use the current material's .needsUpdate flags to set
      // the GL state when required

      markUniformsLightsNeedsUpdate(mUniforms, refreshLights);

    // refresh uniforms common to several materials

    if (fog != null && material.fog) {
      materials.refreshFogUniforms(mUniforms, fog);

    materials.refreshMaterialUniforms(mUniforms, material, _pixelRatio, _height, _transmissionRenderTarget);
    WebGLUniforms.upload(_gl, materialProperties["uniformsList"], mUniforms, textures);

  if (material is ShaderMaterial && material.uniformsNeedUpdate == true) {
    WebGLUniforms.upload(_gl, materialProperties["uniformsList"], mUniforms, textures);
    material.uniformsNeedUpdate = false;

  if (material is SpriteMaterial) {
    dynamic c = object;
    pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'center',, textures);

  // common matrices

  pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'modelViewMatrix', object.modelViewMatrix, textures);
  pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'normalMatrix', object.normalMatrix, textures);
  pUniforms.setValue(_gl, 'modelMatrix', object.matrixWorld, textures);

  return program;