Matrix4 class




elements ↔ Float32Array
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type String
getter/setter pair


clone() Matrix4
compose(Vector3 position, Quaternion quaternion, Vector3 scale) Matrix4
copy(Matrix4 m) Matrix4
copyPosition(Matrix4 m) Matrix4
decompose(Vector3 position, Quaternion quaternion, Vector3 scale) Matrix4
determinant() double
equals(Matrix4 matrix) bool
extractBasis(Vector3 xAxis, Vector3 yAxis, Vector3 zAxis) Matrix4
extractRotation(Matrix4 m) Matrix4
fromArray(dynamic array, [int offset = 0]) Matrix4
getInverse(Matrix4 matrix) Matrix4
getMaxScaleOnAxis() double
identity() Matrix4
invert() Matrix4
lookAt(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up) Matrix4
makeBasis(Vector3 xAxis, Vector3 yAxis, Vector3 zAxis) Matrix4
makeOrthographic(num left, num right, num top, num bottom, num near, num far) Matrix4
makePerspective(num left, num right, num top, num bottom, num near, num far) Matrix4
makeRotationAxis(Vector3 axis, num angle) Matrix4
makeRotationFromEuler(Euler euler) Matrix4
makeRotationFromQuaternion(Quaternion q) Matrix4
makeRotationX(num theta) Matrix4
makeRotationY(num theta) Matrix4
makeRotationZ(num theta) Matrix4
makeScale(num x, num y, num z) Matrix4
makeShear(num xy, num xz, num yx, num yz, num zx, num zy) Matrix4
makeTranslation(num x, num y, num z) Matrix4
multiply(Matrix4 m, {Matrix4? n}) Matrix4
multiplyMatrices(Matrix4 a, Matrix4 b) Matrix4
multiplyScalar(num s) Matrix4
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
premultiply(Matrix4 m) Matrix4
scale(Vector3 v) Matrix4
set(num n11, num n12, num n13, num n14, num n21, num n22, num n23, num n24, num n31, num n32, num n33, num n34, num n41, num n42, num n43, num n44) Matrix4
setFromMatrix3(Matrix3 m) Matrix4
setPosition(dynamic x, [dynamic y, dynamic z]) Matrix4
setPositionFromVector3(Vector3 x) Matrix4
toArray(dynamic array, [int offset = 0]) → dynamic
toJSON() → dynamic
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transpose() Matrix4


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.