BufferGeometry class

Mixed-in types


BufferGeometry.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> json, Map<String, dynamic> rootJSON)


attributes Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
boundingBox Box3?
getter/setter pair
boundingSphere Sphere?
getter/setter pair
colors List<Color>
getter/setter pair
colorsNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
curveSegments num
getter/setter pair
directGeometry ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
drawRange Map<String, int>
getter/setter pair
elementsNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
groups List<Map<String, dynamic>>
getter/setter pair
groupsNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id int
getter/setter pair
index BufferAttribute<NativeArray<num>>?
getter/setter pair
instanceCount int?
getter/setter pair
lineDistances List<num>
getter/setter pair
lineDistancesNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
maxInstanceCount int?
getter/setter pair
morphAttributes Map<String, List<BufferAttribute<NativeArray<num>>>>
getter/setter pair
morphTargets ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
morphTargetsRelative bool
getter/setter pair
name String
getter/setter pair
normalsNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
parameters Map<String, dynamic>?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shapes List<Shape>
getter/setter pair
type String
getter/setter pair
userData Map<String, dynamic>
getter/setter pair
uuid String
getter/setter pair
uvsNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair
verticesNeedUpdate bool
getter/setter pair


addEventListener(String type, Function listener) → void
addGroup(int start, int count, [int materialIndex = 0]) → void
applyMatrix4(Matrix4 matrix) → void
applyQuaternion(Quaternion q) BufferGeometry
center() → void
clearGroups() → void
clearListeners() → void
clone() BufferGeometry
computeBoundingBox() → void
computeBoundingSphere() → void
computeFaceNormals() → void
computeTangents() → void
computeVertexNormals() → void
copy(BufferGeometry source) BufferGeometry
deleteAttribute(String name) BufferGeometry
dispatchEvent(Event event) → void
dispose() → void
getAttribute(String name) → dynamic
getIndex() BufferAttribute<NativeArray<num>>?
hasAttribute(String name) bool
hasEventListener(String type, Function listener) bool
lookAt(Vector3 vector) BufferGeometry
merge(BufferGeometry geometry, [int? offset]) BufferGeometry
normalizeNormals() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeEventListener(String type, Function listener) → void
rotateX(num angle) BufferGeometry
rotateY(num angle) BufferGeometry
rotateZ(num angle) BufferGeometry
scale(num x, num y, num z) BufferGeometry
setAttribute(String name, dynamic attribute) BufferGeometry
setDrawRange(int start, int count) → void
setFromPoints(dynamic points) BufferGeometry
setIndex(dynamic index) → void
toJSON({Object3dMeta? meta}) Map<String, dynamic>
toNonIndexed() BufferGeometry
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translate(num x, num y, num z) BufferGeometry
translateWithVector3(Vector3 v3) BufferGeometry


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

castJSON(Map<String, dynamic> json, Map<String, dynamic> rootJSON) BufferGeometry