string.helper library


getLastChar(String value, {bool trim = true}) String
Returns the last character of a given string after trimming it if specified.
removeDiacriticsAndLowercase(String text) String
Removes diacritics (accents) from the given text and then converts it to lowercase.
toCamelCase(String? input) String
Converts a string input to camel case format.
toIos3166Code(String languageCode, {String? countryCode}) String?
Converts a language code and an optional country code to an ISO 3166 code.
toPascalCase(String? input) String
Converts a string input to pascal case format.
toSnakeCase(String input) String
Converts input string to snake_case.
toTitleCase(String? input) String
Converts a string input to title case format.