toSnakeCase function
Converts input
string to snake_case.
This function takes a string and converts it to snake_case format, where each uppercase letter (except the first character if it's uppercase) is replaced by an underscore followed by the same letter in lowercase.
final String result = toSnakeCase("CamelCaseInput");
print(result); // Outputs: camel_case_input
String toSnakeCase(String input) {
// Use RegExp to find matches where a lowercase letter is followed by
// an uppercase letter or a sequence of uppercase letters followed by
// a lowercase letter
final RegExp exp = RegExp(r'(?<=[a-z])[A-Z]|(?<=[A-Z])[A-Z](?=[a-z])');
// Replace the matches found by the RegExp with an underscore followed by
// the matched letter
return input.replaceAllMapped(exp, (Match m) => '_${m[0]}').toLowerCase();