getLastChar function

String getLastChar(
  1. String value, {
  2. bool trim = true,

Returns the last character of a given string after trimming it if specified.

If trim is set to true, the string will be trimmed to remove whitespace from the ends before extracting the last character.

Throws an ArgumentError if the input string is empty (or becomes empty after trimming).

  • Parameters:

    • value: The input string.
    • trim: A boolean flag that decides if the string should be trimmed. Defaults to true.
  • Returns: The last character of the input string.


String getLastChar(String value, {bool trim = true}) {
  if (trim) value = value.trim();

  if (value.isEmpty) throw ArgumentError('Value cannot be empty');

  final character = value.substring(value.length - 1);

  return character;