toPascalCase function

String toPascalCase(
  1. String? input

Converts a string input to pascal case format.

If the input is null or empty, an empty string is returned. The function trims leading and trailing whitespace from the input and splits it into an array of words using underscores, spaces, and hyphens as delimiters. Each word (including the first word) is capitalized and appended to the result string. The remaining characters in each word are converted to lowercase.

Example: toPascalCase('hello_world') => 'HelloWorld' toPascalCase('hello-world') => 'HelloWorld' toPascalCase('hello world') => 'HelloWorld' toPascalCase('HelloWorld') => 'HelloWorld'

Returns the converted string in pascal case format.


String toPascalCase(String? input) {
  if (input == null || input.isEmpty) return '';

  // Split the string at spaces, underscores, hyphens, or camelCase boundaries.
  final words = input.trim().split(RegExp(r'[_\s-]+|(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])'));

  var result = '';

  for (final word in words) {
    result += word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1).toLowerCase();

  return result;