utils library

Get utils is a set of tools that allows you to access high-level APIs and obtain validation tools for Flutter and GetX


A deep equality implementation for collections.
A default equality implementation.
A utility class for accessing the engine instance.
A contract defining the interface for interacting with the "Get" class, enabling auxiliary packages to extend its functionality through extensions.
A utility class for executing microtasks sequentially.
Provides platform-specific information and utilities.
A utility class for managing a queue of asynchronous jobs.
Equality of objects that compares only the identity of the objects.
A generic equality relation on objects.
Equality on iterables.
Equality on lists.
MapEquality<K, V>
Equality on maps.
Equality of sets.
Equality of the elements of two iterables without considering order.


GetX by default disposes unused controllers from memory, Through different behaviors. SmartManagement.full SmartManagement.full is the default one. Dispose classes that are not being used and were not set to be permanent. In the majority of the cases you will want to keep this config untouched. If you new to GetX then don't change this. SmartManagement.onlyBuilder only controllers started in init: or loaded into a Binding with Get.lazyPut() will be disposed. If you use Get.put() or Get.putAsync() or any other approach, SmartManagement will not have permissions to exclude this dependency. With the default behavior, even widgets instantiated with "Get.put" will be removed, unlike SmartManagement.onlyBuilders. SmartManagement.keepFactoryJust like SmartManagement.full, it will remove it's dependencies when it's not being used anymore. However, it will keep their factory, which means it will recreate the dependency if you need that instance again.


A mixin for implementing equality based on a list of properties.


ContextExt on BuildContext
Extension providing additional functionality for BuildContext.
DoubleExt on double
Extension providing additional functionality for doubles.
DurationExt on int
Extension containing duration utility methods for int.
GetDurationUtils on Duration
Duration utilities.
GetDynamicUtils on dynamic
Extension on dynamic to provide utility methods for dynamic objects.
GetNumUtils on num
Extension providing utility functions for numerical values.
GetStringUtils on String
Extension containing utility methods for strings.
LocalesIntl on GetInterface
Extension methods for handling internationalization within GetX.
LoopEventsExt on GetInterface
Extension providing additional loop event methods for GetInterface.
PercentSized on double
TranslationExtension on String
Extension providing localization capabilities to strings.


Get → _GetImpl
Global instance of GetX controller.


ambiguate<T>(T? value) → T?
Allows a value of type T or T? to be treated as a value of type T?.
defaultLogWriterCallback(String value, {bool isError = false}) → void
The default logger function used by GetX for writing logs.


LogWriterCallback = void Function(String text, {bool isError})
A typedef representing a callback function for writing logs, typically used in the context of GetX.
PrintFunctionCallback = void Function(String prefix, dynamic value, String info, {bool? isError})
Callback type definition for a function that prints logs with optional error indication.
ValueUpdater<T> = T Function()
A function type representing a value updater.