get_rx/src/rx_types/rx_types library

The rx_types library provides a collection of reactive programming utilities for managing state and building reactive components in Flutter applications.

This library includes classes and utilities for creating and managing reactive objects such as Rx (reactive) variables, RxLists, RxMaps, and RxSets.

  • Rx: The base class for reactive objects that enables listening to changes and updating state reactively.

  • RxList: A reactive list that allows listening to changes in the list and automatically updating UI components when the list changes.

  • RxMap: A reactive map that enables listening to changes in the map and automatically updating UI components when the map changes.

  • RxSet: A reactive set that provides the ability to listen to changes in the set and update UI components reactively.

This library is part of the GetX state management solution for Flutter, providing a simple and efficient way to manage application state and build reactive user interfaces.


Represents an error specific to the use of GetX or Obx.
Foundation class used for custom Types outside the common native Dart types. For example, any custom "Model" class, like User().obs will use Rx as wrapper.
An Rx object for managing boolean values.
This class is the foundation for all reactive (Rx) classes that makes Get so powerful. This interface is the contract that _RxImpl
A reactive list that extends functionality similar to List<T> and provides automatic notifications on changes.
RxMap<K, V>
An Rx object for managing nullable boolean values.
Rx class for String Type.
Rx class for String Type.


global object that registers against GetX and Obx, and allows the reactivity of those Widgets and Rx values.


BoolExtension on bool
Extension on bool providing methods to create reactive booleans.
DoubleExtension on double
Extension on double providing methods to create reactive doubles.
IntExtension on int
Extension on int providing methods to create reactive integers.
ListExtension on List<E>
MapExtension on Map<K, V>
RxBoolExt on Rx<bool>
Extension on Rx<bool> providing methods for boolean operations.
RxDoubleExt on Rx<double>
RxIntExt on Rx<int>
RxnBoolExt on Rx<bool?>
Extension on Rx<bool?> providing methods for nullable boolean operations.
RxnDoubleExt on Rx<double?>
RxnIntExt on Rx<int?>
RxnNumExt on Rx<T?>
RxnStringExt on Rx<String?>
RxNumExt on Rx<T>
RxStringExt on Rx<String>
RxT on T
Extension on T providing methods to create reactive instances of type T.
RxTnew on Object
This method will replace the old .obs method. It's a breaking change, but it is essential to avoid conflicts with the new dart 3 features. T will be inferred by contextual type inference rather than the extension type.
SetExtension on Set<E>
StringExtension on String
Extension on String providing methods to create reactive strings.