GetStringUtils extension

Extension containing utility methods for strings.



camelCase String?
converter the String
no setter
capitalize String
capitalize the String
no setter
capitalizeFirst String
Capitalize the first letter of the String
no setter
isAlphabetOnly bool
Discover if the String is alphanumeric only
no setter
isAPKFileName bool
Discover if the String is a APK File
no setter
isAudioFileName bool
Discover if the String is a AudioFileName
no setter
isBinary bool
Discover if the String is a binary value
no setter
isBool bool
Discover if the String is a boolean
no setter
isCurrency bool
Discover if the String is a currency
no setter
isDateTime bool
Discover if the String is a DateTime
no setter
isDocumentFileName bool
Discover if the String is a Document Word
no setter
isEmail bool
Discover if the String is a Email
no setter
isExcelFileName bool
Discover if the String is a Document Excel
no setter
isHexadecimal bool
Discover if the String is a Hexadecimal
no setter
isHTMLFileName bool
Discover if the String is a HTML file
no setter
isImageFileName bool
Discover if the String is a ImageFileName
no setter
isIPv4 bool
Discover if the String is a ipv4
no setter
isIPv6 bool
Discover if the String is a ipv6
no setter
isMD5 bool
Discover if the String is a MD5 Hash
no setter
isNum bool
Discover if the String is a valid number
no setter
isNumericOnly bool
Discover if the String is numeric only
no setter
isPalindrome bool
Discover if the String is a palindrome
no setter
isPassport bool
Discover if the String is a passport number
no setter
isPDFFileName bool
Discover if the String is a PDF file
no setter
isPhoneNumber bool
Discover if the String is a Phone Number
no setter
isPPTFileName bool
Discover if the String is a Document Powerpoint
no setter
isSHA1 bool
Discover if the String is a SHA1 Hash
no setter
isSHA256 bool
Discover if the String is a SHA256 Hash
no setter
isTxtFileName bool
Discover if the String is a TxtFileName
no setter
isURL bool
Discover if the String is a URL file
no setter
isVectorFileName bool
Discover if the String is a vector
no setter
isVideoFileName bool
Discover if the String is a VideoFileName
no setter
paramCase String?
Discover if the String is a valid URL
no setter
removeAllWhitespace String
remove all whitespace from the String
no setter


capitalizeAllWordsFirstLetter() String
capitalize only first letter in String words to upper case
createPath([Iterable? segments]) String
add segments to the String
isCaseInsensitiveContains(String b) bool
Discover if the String is a case insensitive
isCaseInsensitiveContainsAny(String b) bool
Discover if the String is a case sensitive and contains any value
numericOnly({bool firstWordOnly = false}) String
Extract numeric value of string Example: OTP 12312 27/04/2020 => 1231227042020ß If firstWordOnly is true, then the example return is "12312" (first found numeric word)