PrintFunctionCallback typedef

PrintFunctionCallback = void Function(String prefix, dynamic value, String info, {bool? isError})

Callback type definition for a function that prints logs with optional error indication.

This typedef defines a function signature for logging purposes, where:

  • prefix is a string indicating the prefix of the log message.
  • value is the dynamic value to be logged.
  • info provides additional information to be included in the log message.
  • isError is an optional boolean parameter indicating if the log represents an error.


PrintFunctionCallback myLogger = (prefix, value, info, {isError}) {
  printFunction(prefix, value, info, isError: isError ?? false);

myLogger('ERROR:', 'An error occurred', 'Something went wrong', isError: true);

This typedef can be used to define functions that conform to this signature, providing flexibility in handling logging operations within Dart applications.


typedef PrintFunctionCallback = void Function(
  String prefix,
  dynamic value,
  String info, {
  bool? isError,