utils/browser/events/events library


anyParentHasAttribute(Element? target, String attribute) bool
Return true if the element or any of its ancestors have an attribute.
anyParentHasClass(Element target, String className) bool
Return true if the element or any of its ancestors have the given class.
anyParentHasTag(Element? target, String componentTag) bool
Return true if the element or any of its ancestors have the given tag.
closestWithClass(Element? target, String className) Element?
This element or the closest of its ancestor with the given class.
compareDocumentPosition(Node a, Node b) int
A Comparator for sorting Nodes based on document order.
isKeyboardTrigger(KeyboardEvent event) bool
isParentOf(Element? element, Node? node) bool
Whether element is a parent of node in the dom tree.
isSpaceKey(KeyboardEvent event) bool
Determines if the space key was pressed in a KeyboardEvent.
isStandardMouseEvent(MouseEvent event) bool
Whether the MouseEvent was initiated with the primary mouse button and no modifier keys were used.
isStandardTriggerEvent(UIEvent event) bool
Whether the UIEvent is a standard trigger event without modifier keys.
not<T>(Predicate<T> predicate) Predicate<T>
onResize(Element element) Stream<Rectangle<num>?>
A stream of contect rects fired when element changes size.
triggersOutside(dynamic element) Stream<Event>
A stream of click, mouseup or focus events outside a given element.
triggersOutsideAny(Predicate<Node> checkNodeInside) Stream<Event>
A stream of click, mouseup or focus events of any node none of whose parents pass the check inside function.


Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value)