model/date/date library

Contains date-related models.


A calendar date. Year / month / day.
Represents something that might be chosen by some hypothetical date picker component.
A date range with a start and end, inclusive. null values for either means the range is unbounded in that direction.
A date range and an optional comparison date range.


daysSpanned(Date start, Date end, {bool inclusive = true}) int
The number of days spanned by the range defined by the two dates. Defaults to including the end date, so that daysSpanned(d, d) == 1.
earlierOf(Date a, Date? b) Date?
Gets the earlier of the two given dates.
enumerateDates(Date start, Date? end) Iterable<Date>
Enumerates all dates from start to end, inclusive.
enumerateRange(DateRange? range) Iterable<Date>
Enumerates all dates from range.start to range.end, inclusive.
laterOf(Date a, Date? b) Date?
Gets the later of the two given dates.
rangeContains(DateRange range, Date? date) bool
Whether or not date is inside range.
rangeContainsRange(DateRange range, DateRange subrange) bool
Whether or not subrange is fully contained by range.