laminate/overlay/module library


overlayBindings → const List<List<Provider<Object>>>
DI bindings for Overlay and its dependencies.
overlayContainerName → const OpaqueToken<String>
An opaque token for the name of the overlay container, if any.
overlayContainerParent → const OpaqueToken<HtmlElement>
Where overlayContainerToken should be created.
overlayContainerToken → const OpaqueToken<HtmlElement>
An opaque token of the DOM element that is the container.
overlayDebugBindings → const List<List<Object>>
Similar to overlayBindings, but enables easy debugging of the overlays.
overlayDebugModule → const Module
Similar to overlayModule, but enables easy debugging of the overlays.
overlayModule → const Module
DI module for Overlay and its dependencies.
overlayRepositionLoop → const OpaqueToken<bool>
Flag whether to reposition popups on every frame when trackLayoutChanges is true.
overlaySyncDom → const OpaqueToken<bool>
Flag whether to use synchronous reads/writes instead of async.
overlayViewportBoundaries → const OpaqueToken<Object>
An token to provide custom viewport boundaries for popups.


createAcxOverlayContainer(Object parent, {required String id, required String name, String? className}) HtmlElement
Creates an overlay container inside the parent if one does not exist already. A hidden focusable element is inserted before and after the overlay container to support a11y features.
getDebugContainer(Object name, Object parent) HtmlElement
Returns an overlay container with debugging aid enabled.
getDefaultContainer(Object name, Object parent, Object? container) HtmlElement
Either finds, or creates an "acx-overlay-container" div at the end of body.
getDefaultContainerName(Object? containerName) String
getOverlayContainerParent(Document document, Object? containerParent) HtmlElement