triggersOutsideAny function
A stream of click, mouseup or focus events of any node none of whose parents pass the check inside function.
Stream<Event> triggersOutsideAny(Predicate<Node> checkNodeInside) {
late StreamController<Event> controller;
StreamSubscription<MouseEvent>? clickListener;
StreamSubscription<MouseEvent>? mouseDownListener;
StreamSubscription<MouseEvent>? mouseUpListener;
EventListener? listener;
controller = StreamController.broadcast(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
assert(clickListener == null);
assert(mouseDownListener == null);
assert(mouseUpListener == null);
Event? lastEvent;
Event? lastDownEvent;
listener = (Event e) {
lastEvent = e;
var node = as Node?;
while (node != null) {
if (checkNodeInside(node)) {
} else {
node = node.parent;
// Keep track of mousedown events so that we can filter mouseup events
// that occurred on a different element than the mousedown.
mouseDownListener = document.onMouseDown.listen((MouseEvent e) {
lastDownEvent = e;
// Listen to mouseup to prevent scenarios where a single click event
// both opens and closes an element.
mouseUpListener = document.onMouseUp.listen((MouseEvent e) {
// Allow for the event to be listened to if there was no down event
// for example if it was canceled or if the target is the same as
// where the 'click' started.
if (lastDownEvent == null || == lastDownEvent!.target) {
lastEvent = e;
clickListener = document.onClick.listen((MouseEvent e) {
// Ignore the click if we just saw a mouseup on the same element... it
// probably means that the mouseup was part of this same click.
// This prevents scenarios where clicking an element that displays
// another element (e.g. a button to open a popup) inadvertently
// triggers an "outside" event, immediately hiding the just-displayed
// element.
if (lastEvent?.type == 'mouseup' && == lastEvent?.target) {
// Allow for the event to be listened to if there was no down event
// for example if it was canceled or if the target is the same as
// where the 'click' started.
if (lastDownEvent == null || == lastDownEvent!.target) {
lastDownEvent = null;
// Since 'focusin' event is not supported in Firefox, listen to 'focus'
// event with useCapture set to true to implement event delegation and
// capture changes to active element on document.
document.addEventListener('focus', listener, true);
// Handles touches outside of element for Safari on iOS devices since
// touch events are not detected as clicks on iOS platforms.
document.addEventListener('touchend', listener);
onCancel: () {
clickListener = null;
mouseDownListener = null;
mouseUpListener = null;
document.removeEventListener('focus', listener, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', listener);