sendSmtpEnvelope method

Future<SentEmailDto?> sendSmtpEnvelope(
  1. String inboxId,
  2. SendSMTPEnvelopeOptions sendSMTPEnvelopeOptions

Send email using an SMTP mail envelope and message body and return sent confirmation

Send email using an SMTP envelope containing RCPT TO, MAIL FROM, and a SMTP BODY.



Future<SentEmailDto?> sendSmtpEnvelope(String inboxId, SendSMTPEnvelopeOptions sendSMTPEnvelopeOptions,) async {
  final response = await sendSmtpEnvelopeWithHttpInfo(inboxId, sendSMTPEnvelopeOptions,);
  if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
    throw ApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));
  // When a remote server returns no body with a status of 204, we shall not decode it.
  // At the time of writing this, `dart:convert` will throw an "Unexpected end of input"
  // FormatException when trying to decode an empty string.
  if (response.body.isNotEmpty && response.statusCode != HttpStatus.noContent) {
    return await apiClient.deserializeAsync(await _decodeBodyBytes(response), 'SentEmailDto',) as SentEmailDto;

  return null;