createInboxWithOptions method

Future<InboxDto?> createInboxWithOptions(
  1. CreateInboxDto createInboxDto

Create an inbox with options. Extended options for inbox creation.

Additional endpoint that allows inbox creation with request body options. Can be more flexible that other methods for some clients.



Future<InboxDto?> createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto createInboxDto,) async {
  final response = await createInboxWithOptionsWithHttpInfo(createInboxDto,);
  if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
    throw ApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));
  // When a remote server returns no body with a status of 204, we shall not decode it.
  // At the time of writing this, `dart:convert` will throw an "Unexpected end of input"
  // FormatException when trying to decode an empty string.
  if (response.body.isNotEmpty && response.statusCode != HttpStatus.noContent) {
    return await apiClient.deserializeAsync(await _decodeBodyBytes(response), 'InboxDto',) as InboxDto;

  return null;