InboxControllerApi class

Constructors[ApiClient? apiClient])


apiClient ApiClient
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


cancelScheduledJob(String jobId) Future<ScheduledJobDto?>
Cancel a scheduled email job
cancelScheduledJobWithHttpInfo(String jobId) Future<Response>
Cancel a scheduled email job
createInbox({String? emailAddress, List<String>? tags, String? name, String? description, bool? useDomainPool, bool? favourite, DateTime? expiresAt, int? expiresIn, bool? allowTeamAccess, String? inboxType, bool? virtualInbox, bool? useShortAddress, String? domainId, String? domainName}) Future<InboxDto?>
Create an inbox email address. An inbox has a real email address and can send and receive emails. Inboxes can be either SMTP or HTTP inboxes.
createInboxRuleset(String inboxId, CreateInboxRulesetOptions createInboxRulesetOptions) Future<InboxRulesetDto?>
Create an inbox ruleset
createInboxRulesetWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, CreateInboxRulesetOptions createInboxRulesetOptions) Future<Response>
Create an inbox ruleset
createInboxWithDefaults() Future<InboxDto?>
Create an inbox with default options. Uses MailSlurp domain pool address and is private.
createInboxWithDefaultsWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Create an inbox with default options. Uses MailSlurp domain pool address and is private.
createInboxWithHttpInfo({String? emailAddress, List<String>? tags, String? name, String? description, bool? useDomainPool, bool? favourite, DateTime? expiresAt, int? expiresIn, bool? allowTeamAccess, String? inboxType, bool? virtualInbox, bool? useShortAddress, String? domainId, String? domainName}) Future<Response>
Create an inbox email address. An inbox has a real email address and can send and receive emails. Inboxes can be either SMTP or HTTP inboxes.
createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto createInboxDto) Future<InboxDto?>
Create an inbox with options. Extended options for inbox creation.
createInboxWithOptionsWithHttpInfo(CreateInboxDto createInboxDto) Future<Response>
Create an inbox with options. Extended options for inbox creation.
deleteAllInboxEmails(String inboxId) Future<void>
Delete all emails in a given inboxes.
deleteAllInboxEmailsWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Delete all emails in a given inboxes.
deleteAllInboxes() Future<void>
Delete all inboxes
deleteAllInboxesByDescription(String description) Future<void>
Delete inboxes by description
deleteAllInboxesByDescriptionWithHttpInfo(String description) Future<Response>
Delete inboxes by description
deleteAllInboxesByName(String name) Future<void>
Delete inboxes by name
deleteAllInboxesByNameWithHttpInfo(String name) Future<Response>
Delete inboxes by name
deleteAllInboxesByTag(String tag) Future<void>
Delete inboxes by tag
deleteAllInboxesByTagWithHttpInfo(String tag) Future<Response>
Delete inboxes by tag
deleteAllInboxesWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Delete all inboxes
deleteInbox(String inboxId) Future<void>
Delete inbox
deleteInboxWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Delete inbox
doesInboxExist(String emailAddress, {bool? allowCatchAll}) Future<InboxExistsDto?>
Does inbox exist
doesInboxExistWithHttpInfo(String emailAddress, {bool? allowCatchAll}) Future<Response>
Does inbox exist
flushExpired({DateTime? before}) Future<FlushExpiredInboxesResult?>
Remove expired inboxes
flushExpiredWithHttpInfo({DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Remove expired inboxes
getAllInboxes({int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? favourite, String? search, String? tag, bool? teamAccess, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, String? inboxType, String? domainId}) Future<PageInboxProjection?>
List All Inboxes Paginated
getAllInboxesWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, bool? favourite, String? search, String? tag, bool? teamAccess, DateTime? since, DateTime? before, String? inboxType, String? domainId}) Future<Response>
List All Inboxes Paginated
getAllScheduledJobs({int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageScheduledJobs?>
Get all scheduled email sending jobs for account
getAllScheduledJobsWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get all scheduled email sending jobs for account
getDeliveryStatusesByInboxId(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageDeliveryStatus?>
Get all email delivery statuses for an inbox
getDeliveryStatusesByInboxIdWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get all email delivery statuses for an inbox
getEmails(String inboxId, {int? size, int? limit, String? sort, int? retryTimeout, int? delayTimeout, int? minCount, bool? unreadOnly, DateTime? before, DateTime? since}) Future<List<EmailPreview>?>
Get emails in an Inbox. This method is not idempotent as it allows retries and waits if you want certain conditions to be met before returning. For simple listing and sorting of known emails use the email controller instead.
getEmailsWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? size, int? limit, String? sort, int? retryTimeout, int? delayTimeout, int? minCount, bool? unreadOnly, DateTime? before, DateTime? since}) Future<Response>
Get emails in an Inbox. This method is not idempotent as it allows retries and waits if you want certain conditions to be met before returning. For simple listing and sorting of known emails use the email controller instead.
getImapSmtpAccess({String? inboxId}) Future<ImapSmtpAccessDetails?>
Get IMAP and SMTP access usernames and passwords
getImapSmtpAccessWithHttpInfo({String? inboxId}) Future<Response>
Get IMAP and SMTP access usernames and passwords
getInbox(String inboxId) Future<InboxDto?>
Get Inbox. Returns properties of an inbox.
getInboxByEmailAddress(String emailAddress) Future<InboxByEmailAddressResult?>
Search for an inbox with the provided email address
getInboxByEmailAddressWithHttpInfo(String emailAddress) Future<Response>
Search for an inbox with the provided email address
getInboxByName(String name) Future<InboxByNameResult?>
Search for an inbox with the given name
getInboxByNameWithHttpInfo(String name) Future<Response>
Search for an inbox with the given name
getInboxCount() Future<CountDto?>
Get total inbox count
getInboxCountWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get total inbox count
getInboxEmailCount(String inboxId) Future<CountDto?>
Get email count in inbox
getInboxEmailCountWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Get email count in inbox
getInboxEmailsPaginated(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageEmailPreview?>
Get inbox emails paginated
getInboxEmailsPaginatedWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get inbox emails paginated
getInboxes({int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, bool? excludeCatchAllInboxes, DateTime? before}) Future<List<InboxDto>?>
List Inboxes and email addresses
getInboxesWithHttpInfo({int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, bool? excludeCatchAllInboxes, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List Inboxes and email addresses
getInboxIds() Future<InboxIdsResult?>
Get all inbox IDs
getInboxIdsWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get all inbox IDs
getInboxSentEmails(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageSentEmailProjection?>
Get Inbox Sent Emails
getInboxSentEmailsWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get Inbox Sent Emails
getInboxTags() Future<List<String>?>
Get inbox tags
getInboxTagsWithHttpInfo() Future<Response>
Get inbox tags
getInboxWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Get Inbox. Returns properties of an inbox.
getLatestEmailInInbox(String inboxId, int timeoutMillis) Future<Email?>
Get latest email in an inbox. Use WaitForController to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
getLatestEmailInInboxWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, int timeoutMillis) Future<Response>
Get latest email in an inbox. Use WaitForController to get emails that may not have arrived yet.
getOrganizationInboxes({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageOrganizationInboxProjection?>
List Organization Inboxes Paginated
getOrganizationInboxesWithHttpInfo({int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List Organization Inboxes Paginated
getScheduledJob(String jobId) Future<ScheduledJobDto?>
Get a scheduled email job
getScheduledJobsByInboxId(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageScheduledJobs?>
Get all scheduled email sending jobs for the inbox
getScheduledJobsByInboxIdWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
Get all scheduled email sending jobs for the inbox
getScheduledJobWithHttpInfo(String jobId) Future<Response>
Get a scheduled email job
listInboxRulesets(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageInboxRulesetDto?>
List inbox rulesets
listInboxRulesetsWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List inbox rulesets
listInboxTrackingPixels(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<PageTrackingPixelProjection?>
List inbox tracking pixels
listInboxTrackingPixelsWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, {int? page, int? size, String? sort, String? searchFilter, DateTime? since, DateTime? before}) Future<Response>
List inbox tracking pixels
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sendEmail(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<void>
Send Email
sendEmailAndConfirm(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<SentEmailDto?>
Send email and return sent confirmation
sendEmailAndConfirmWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<Response>
Send email and return sent confirmation
sendEmailWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<Response>
Send Email
sendEmailWithQueue(String inboxId, bool validateBeforeEnqueue, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<void>
Send email with queue
sendEmailWithQueueWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, bool validateBeforeEnqueue, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions) Future<Response>
Send email with queue
sendSmtpEnvelope(String inboxId, SendSMTPEnvelopeOptions sendSMTPEnvelopeOptions) Future<SentEmailDto?>
Send email using an SMTP mail envelope and message body and return sent confirmation
sendSmtpEnvelopeWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, SendSMTPEnvelopeOptions sendSMTPEnvelopeOptions) Future<Response>
Send email using an SMTP mail envelope and message body and return sent confirmation
sendTestEmail(String inboxId) Future<void>
Send a test email to inbox
sendTestEmailWithHttpInfo(String inboxId) Future<Response>
Send a test email to inbox
sendWithSchedule(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, {DateTime? sendAtTimestamp, int? sendAtNowPlusSeconds, bool? validateBeforeEnqueue}) Future<ScheduledJobDto?>
Send email with with delay or schedule
sendWithScheduleWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, SendEmailOptions sendEmailOptions, {DateTime? sendAtTimestamp, int? sendAtNowPlusSeconds, bool? validateBeforeEnqueue}) Future<Response>
Send email with with delay or schedule
setInboxFavourited(String inboxId, SetInboxFavouritedOptions setInboxFavouritedOptions) Future<InboxDto?>
Set inbox favourited state
setInboxFavouritedWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, SetInboxFavouritedOptions setInboxFavouritedOptions) Future<Response>
Set inbox favourited state
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateInbox(String inboxId, UpdateInboxOptions updateInboxOptions) Future<InboxDto?>
Update Inbox. Change name and description. Email address is not editable.
updateInboxWithHttpInfo(String inboxId, UpdateInboxOptions updateInboxOptions) Future<Response>
Update Inbox. Change name and description. Email address is not editable.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.