Jiffy class

Jiffy is a Flutter (Android, IOS and Web) date time package inspired by momentjs for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates


Returns a Jiffy instance representing the current date and time.
Jiffy.parse(String string, {String? pattern, bool isUtc = false})
Constructs a new Jiffy instance by parsing a String.
Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
Constructs a new Jiffy instance from a DateTime object.
Jiffy.parseFromJiffy(Jiffy jiffy)
Constructs a new Jiffy instance from an existing Jiffy object.
Jiffy.parseFromList(List<int> list, {bool isUtc = false})
Constructs a Jiffy instance from a list of integers representing a date and time.
Jiffy.parseFromMap(Map<Unit, int> map, {bool isUtc = false})
Constructs a Jiffy instance from a map of date and time values.
Jiffy.parseFromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(int microsecondsSinceEpoch, {bool isUtc = false})
Constructs a Jiffy instance from a microsecondsSinceEpoch of type int.
Jiffy.parseFromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int millisecondsSinceEpoch, {bool isUtc = false})
Constructs a Jiffy instance from a millisecondsSinceEpoch of type int.


date int
Returns the date ranging from 1 to 31.
no setter
dateTime DateTime
Returns a new DateTime instance of the Jiffy object.
no setter
dayOfWeek int
Returns the day of the week according to the Locale.startOfWeek().
no setter
dayOfYear int
Returns the day of the year of this Jiffy instance.
no setter
daysInMonth int
Returns the number of days in the month.
no setter
E String
Returns the abbreviated weekday. Example: Tue
no setter
EEEE String
Returns the weekday. Example: Tuesday
no setter
H String
Returns 24 hour and minute. Example: 12
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
Hm String
Returns 24 hour and minute. Example: 12:11
no setter
Hms String
Returns 24 hour, minute and second. Example: 12:11:22
no setter
hour int
Returns the hour ranging from 0 to 23.
no setter
isLeapYear bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the Jiffy instance provided falls on a leap year.
no setter
isLocal bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance represents a local date and time.
no setter
isUtc bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance represents a UTC date and time.
no setter
j String
Returns 12 hour. Example: 12 PM
no setter
jm String
Returns 12 hour and minute. Example: 12:11 PM
no setter
jms String
Returns 12 hour, minute and seconds. Example: 12:11:22 PM
no setter
localeCode String
Returns the locale code for the current locale.
no setter
localeStartOfWeek StartOfWeek
Returns a StartOfWeek enum value indicating the day on which the week starts for the current locale.
no setter
Md String
Returns the day of month and date. Example: 9/23
no setter
MEd String
Returns the day of month, abbreviated weekday and date. Example: Tue, 9/23
no setter
microsecond int
Returns the microsecond ranging from 0 to 999.
no setter
microsecondsSinceEpoch int
Returns the number of microseconds since epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
no setter
millisecond int
Returns the millisecond ranging from 0 to 999.
no setter
millisecondsSinceEpoch int
Returns the number of milliseconds since epoch time January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.
no setter
minute int
Returns the minute ranging from 0 to 59.
no setter
MMM String
Returns the abbreviated month. Example: Sep
no setter
MMMd String
Returns the abbreviated month and date. Example: Sep 23
no setter
MMMEd String
Returns the abbreviated month, abbreviated weekday and date. Example: Tue, Sep 23
no setter
MMMM String
Returns the month. Example: September
no setter
MMMMd String
Returns the month and date. Example: September 23
no setter
Returns the month, weekday and date. Example: Tuesday, September 23
no setter
month int
Returns the month of the year ranging from 1 to 12.
no setter
QQQ String
Returns the abbreviated quarter. Example: Q3
no setter
QQQQ String
Returns the quarter. Example: 3rd quarter
no setter
quarter int
Returns the quarter on the year ranging from 1 to 4.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
second int
Returns the second ranging from 0 to 59.
no setter
weekOfYear int
Returns the week of the year based on the current Locale's start of week.
no setter
year int
Returns the year.
no setter
yM String
Returns the year and day of month. Example: 9/1997
no setter
yMd String
Returns the year, of month and date. Example: 9/23/1997
no setter
yMEd String
Returns the year, of month, abbreviated weekday and date. Example: Tue, 9/23/1997
no setter
yMMM String
Returns the year and abbreviated month. Example: Sep 1997
no setter
yMMMd String
Returns the year and abbreviated month. Example: Sep 23, 1997
no setter
yMMMdjm String
Returns the year, abbreviated month, date, hour and minute. Example: Sep 23, 1997 12:11 PM
no setter
yMMMEd String
Returns the year, abbreviated month, abbreviated weekday and date. Example: Tue, Sep 23, 1997
no setter
yMMMEdjm String
Returns the year, abbreviated month, abbreviated weekday, date, hour and minute. Example: Tue, Sep 23, 1997 12:11 PM
no setter
yMMMM String
Returns the year and month. Example: September 1997
no setter
yMMMMd String
Returns the year, month and date. Example: September 23, 1997
no setter
yMMMMdjm String
Returns the year, month, date, hour and minute. Example: September 23, 1997 12:11 PM
no setter
Returns the year, month, weekday and date. Example: Tuesday, September 23, 1997
no setter
yMMMMEEEEdjm String
Returns the year, month, weekday, date, hour and minute. Example: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 12:11 PM
no setter
yQQQ String
Returns the year and abbreviated quarter. Example: Q3 1997
no setter
yQQQQ String
Returns the year and quarter. Example: 3rd quarter 1997
no setter


add({int microseconds = 0, int milliseconds = 0, int seconds = 0, int minutes = 0, int hours = 0, int days = 0, int weeks = 0, int months = 0, int years = 0}) Jiffy
Adds date and time to the current Jiffy instance and returns a new Jiffy instance with the result.
addDuration(Duration duration) Jiffy
Adds the provided duration to the current Jiffy instance's date and time, and returns a new Jiffy instance with the updated value.
clone() Jiffy
Returns a new Jiffy instance with the same date and time as the original instance.
diff(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond, bool asFloat = false}) num
Returns the difference between this Jiffy instance and the given jiffy instance as a numeric value.
endOf(Unit unit) Jiffy
Returns a new Jiffy instance representing the end of the specified unit of time
format({String? pattern}) String
Returns the formatted date and time string based on the provided pattern. If the pattern is not provided, the method will return the formatted date and time string in the ISO-8601 format.
from(Jiffy jiffy, {bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true}) String
Returns a string representation of current Jiffy's instance relative from jiffy's date and time, with optional withPrefixAndSuffix flag to include prefix and suffix like "in" or "ago".
fromNow({bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true}) String
Returns a string representation of current Jiffy's instance relative from current date and time, with optional withPrefixAndSuffix flag to include prefix and suffix like "in" or "ago".
isAfter(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is after the given jiffy instance.
isBefore(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is before the given jiffy instance.
isBetween(Jiffy jiffyFrom, Jiffy jiffyTo, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is between the two given jiffyFrom and jiffyTo instances.
isSame(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is the same as the given jiffy instance.
isSameOrAfter(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is the same as or after the given jiffy instance.
isSameOrBefore(Jiffy jiffy, {Unit unit = Unit.microsecond}) bool
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this Jiffy instance is the same as or before the given jiffy instance.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
startOf(Unit unit) Jiffy
Returns a new Jiffy instance representing the start of the specified unit of time
subtract({int microseconds = 0, int milliseconds = 0, int seconds = 0, int minutes = 0, int hours = 0, int days = 0, int weeks = 0, int months = 0, int years = 0}) Jiffy
Subtracts the date and time from the current Jiffy instance and returns a new Jiffy instance with the result.
subtractDuration(Duration duration) Jiffy
Subtracts the provided duration from the current Jiffy instance's date and time, and returns a new Jiffy instance with the updated value.
to(Jiffy jiffy, {bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true}) String
Returns a string representation of current Jiffy's instance relative to jiffy's date and time, with optional withPrefixAndSuffix flag to include prefix and suffix like "in" or "ago".
toLocal() Jiffy
Returns a new instance of Jiffy with the same date and time in local time zone.
toNow({bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true}) String
Returns a string representation of current Jiffy's instance relative to current date and time, with optional withPrefixAndSuffix flag to include prefix and suffix like "in" or "ago".
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toUtc() Jiffy
Returns a new instance of Jiffy with the same date and time in UTC time zone.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getSupportedLocales() List<String>
Retrieves a list of supported locales in Jiffy.
setLocale(String locale) Future<void>
Sets the locale for this Jiffy instance based on the locale provided.