format method

String format({
  1. String? pattern,

Returns the formatted date and time string based on the provided pattern. If the pattern is not provided, the method will return the formatted date and time string in the ISO-8601 format.


// Formats the date and time in "dd MMM yyyy" format
final jiffy = Jiffy.parseFromList([1997, 9, 23, 11, 30, 22, 123, 456]);
final formattedDate = jiffy.format(pattern: 'dd MMM yyyy');
// output: '23 Sep 1997'

// Formats the date and time in ISO8601 format
final jiffy = Jiffy.parseFromList([1997, 9, 23, 11, 30, 22, 123, 456]);
final formattedDate = jiffy.format(); // No pattern passed
// output: '1997-09-23T11:30:22.123456'


String format({String? pattern}) {
  return pattern == null
      ? _display.formatToISO8601(dateTime)
      : _display.format(dateTime, pattern, _locale);