Jiffy.parse constructor

  1. String string, {
  2. String? pattern,
  3. bool isUtc = false,

Constructs a new Jiffy instance by parsing a String.

If pattern is not provided, string must be in one of the following formats:

  • '1997-09-23'
  • '1997/09/23'
  • '1997-09-23 11:18:12.946621'
  • '1997-09-23T11:18:12.947031'

If pattern is provided, string should match the specified format.

Example usage:

final jiffy1 = Jiffy.parse('1997-09-23');
final jiffy2 = Jiffy.parse('1997 Sep 23th', pattern: 'yyyy MMM do');

Throws a JiffyException if the input string cannot be parsed.


factory Jiffy.parse(String string, {String? pattern, bool isUtc = false}) {
  return Jiffy._internal(string, pattern: pattern, isUtc: isUtc);