from method

String from(
  1. Jiffy jiffy, {
  2. bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true,

Returns a string representation of current Jiffy's instance relative from jiffy's date and time, with optional withPrefixAndSuffix flag to include prefix and suffix like "in" or "ago".


final jiffy1 = Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(DateTime(2023, 1, 1));
final jiffy2 = Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(DateTime(2023, 2, 1));
// output: a month ago

Example without returning prefix and suffix:

final jiffy1 = Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(DateTime(2023, 1, 1));
final jiffy2 = Jiffy.parseFromDateTime(DateTime(2023, 2, 1));
print(jiffy1.from(jiffy2, withPrefixAndSuffix: false));
// output: a month

If withPrefixAndSuffix is true (default), the output string will include prefix and suffix words like "in" or "ago". Otherwise, only the relative time difference string will be returned.


String from(Jiffy jiffy, {bool withPrefixAndSuffix = true}) {
  return _display.fromAsRelativeDateTime(
      dateTime, jiffy.dateTime, _locale, withPrefixAndSuffix);