MapCamera class

Describes the view of a map. This includes the size/zoom/position/crs as well as the minimum/maximum zoom. This class is mostly immutable but has some fields that get calculated lazily, changes to the map view may occur via the MapController or user interactions which will result in a new MapCamera value.


MapCamera({required Crs crs, required LatLng center, required double zoom, required double rotation, required Point<double> nonRotatedSize, double? minZoom, double? maxZoom, Point<double>? size, Bounds<double>? pixelBounds, LatLngBounds? bounds, Point<int>? pixelOrigin})
Create an instance of MapCamera. The pixelOrigin, bounds, and pixelBounds may be set if they are known already. Otherwise if left null they will be calculated lazily when they are used.
MapCamera.initialCamera(MapOptions options)
Initializes MapCamera from the given options and with the nonRotatedSize set to kImpossibleSize.


center → LatLng
The LatLng which corresponds with the center of this camera.
crs Crs
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
maxZoom double?
minZoom double?
nonRotatedSize Point<double>
The size of the map view ignoring rotation. This will be the size of the FlutterMap widget.
nonrotatedSize Point<double>
no setter
pixelBounds Bounds<double>
Calculates the pixel bounds of this MapCamera. This value is cached.
no setter
pixelOrigin Point<int>
The offset of the top-left corner of the bounding rectangle of this camera. This will not equal the offset of the top-left visible pixel when the map is rotated.
no setter
rotation double
The rotation, in degrees, of the camera. See rotationRad for the same value in radians.
rotationRad double
The current rotation value in radians
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size Point<double>
The size of bounding box of this camera taking in to account its rotation. When the rotation is zero this will equal nonRotatedSize, otherwise it will be the size of the rectangle which contains this camera.
no setter
visibleBounds LatLngBounds
This is the LatLngBounds corresponding to four corners of this camera. This takes rotation in to account.
no setter
zoom double
How far zoomed this camera is.


clampZoom(double zoom) double
Clamps the provided zoom to the range specified by minZoom and maxZoom, if set.
focusedZoomCenter(Point<num> cursorPos, double zoom) → LatLng
Calculate the center point which would keep the same point of the map visible at the given cursorPos with the zoom set to zoom.
getNewPixelOrigin(LatLng center, [double? zoom]) Point<int>
Calculates the pixel origin of this MapCamera at the given center/zoom.
getOffsetFromOrigin(LatLng pos) Offset
Calculates the Offset from the pos to this camera's pixelOrigin.
getPixelWorldBounds(double? zoom) Bounds<num>?
Calculates the pixel bounds of this camera's crs.
getScaleZoom(double scale) double
Calculates the scale for this camera's zoom.
getZoomScale(double toZoom, double fromZoom) double
Calculates the scale for a zoom from fromZoom to toZoom using this camera\s crs.
latLngToScreenPoint(LatLng latLng) Point<double>
This will convert a latLng to a position that we could use with a widget outside of FlutterMap layer space. Eg using a Positioned Widget.
layerPointToLatLng(Point<num> point) → LatLng
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
offsetToCrs(Offset offset, [double? zoom]) → LatLng
pixelBoundsAtZoom(double zoom) Bounds<double>
Calculates the pixel bounds of this MapCamera at the given zoom.
pointToLatLng(Point<num> localPoint) → LatLng
project(LatLng latlng, [double? zoom]) Point<double>
Calculates point value for the given latLng using this camera's crs and zoom (or the provided zoom).
rotatePoint(Point<double> mapCenter, Point<double> point, {bool counterRotation = true}) Point<double>
Sometimes we need to make allowances that a rotation already exists, so it needs to be reversed (pointToLatLng), and sometimes we want to use the same rotation to create a new position (latLngToScreenpoint). counterRotation just makes allowances this for this.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unproject(Point<num> point, [double? zoom]) → LatLng
Calculates the LatLng for the given point using this camera's crs and zoom (or the provided zoom).
withNonRotatedSize(Point<double> nonRotatedSize) MapCamera
Returns a new instance of MapCamera with the given nonRotatedSize.
withOptions(MapOptions options) MapCamera
Returns a new instance of MapCamera with the given options.
withPosition({LatLng? center, double? zoom}) MapCamera
Returns a new instance of MapCamera with the given center/zoom.
withRotation(double rotation) MapCamera
Returns a new instance of MapCamera with the given rotation.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

calculateRotatedSize(double rotation, Point<double> nonRotatedSize) Point<double>
Calculates the size of a bounding box which surrounds a box of size nonRotatedSize which is rotated by rotation.
maybeOf(BuildContext context) MapCamera?
The camera of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor null, is returned.
of(BuildContext context) MapCamera
The camera of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor a StateError will be thrown.


kImpossibleSize → const Point<double>
During Flutter startup the native platform resolution is not immediately available which can cause constraints to be zero before they are updated in a subsequent build to the actual constraints. We set the size to this impossible (negative) value initially and only change it once Flutter provides real constraints.