rotatePoint method

Point<double> rotatePoint(
  1. Point<double> mapCenter,
  2. Point<double> point, {
  3. bool counterRotation = true,

Sometimes we need to make allowances that a rotation already exists, so it needs to be reversed (pointToLatLng), and sometimes we want to use the same rotation to create a new position (latLngToScreenpoint). counterRotation just makes allowances this for this.


Point<double> rotatePoint(
  Point<double> mapCenter,
  Point<double> point, {
  bool counterRotation = true,
}) {
  final counterRotationFactor = counterRotation ? -1 : 1;

  final m = Matrix4.identity()
    ..translate(mapCenter.x, mapCenter.y)
    ..rotateZ(rotationRad * counterRotationFactor)
    ..translate(-mapCenter.x, -mapCenter.y);

  final tp = MatrixUtils.transformPoint(m, point.toOffset());

  return Point(tp.dx, tp.dy);