focusedZoomCenter method

LatLng focusedZoomCenter(
  1. Point<num> cursorPos,
  2. double zoom

Calculate the center point which would keep the same point of the map visible at the given cursorPos with the zoom set to zoom.


LatLng focusedZoomCenter(Point cursorPos, double zoom) {
  // Calculate offset of mouse cursor from viewport center
  final viewCenter = nonRotatedSize / 2;
  final offset = (cursorPos - viewCenter).rotate(rotationRad);
  // Match new center coordinate to mouse cursor position
  final scale = getZoomScale(zoom, this.zoom);
  final newOffset = offset * (1.0 - 1.0 / scale);
  final mapCenter = project(center);
  final newCenter = unproject(mapCenter + newOffset);
  return newCenter;