MapOptions class



MapOptions({Crs crs = const Epsg3857(), @Deprecated('Prefer `initialCenter` instead. ' 'This option has been renamed to clarify its meaning. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') LatLng? center, LatLng initialCenter = const LatLng(50.5, 30.51), @Deprecated('Prefer `initialZoom` instead. ' 'This option has been renamed to clarify its meaning. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? zoom, double initialZoom = 13.0, @Deprecated('Prefer `initialRotation` instead. ' 'This option has been renamed to clarify its meaning. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? rotation, double initialRotation = 0.0, @Deprecated('Prefer `initialCameraFit` instead. ' 'This option is now part of `initalCameraFit`. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') LatLngBounds? bounds, @Deprecated('Prefer `initialCameraFit` instead. ' 'This option is now part of `initalCameraFit`. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') FitBoundsOptions boundsOptions = const FitBoundsOptions(), CameraFit? initialCameraFit, CameraConstraint? cameraConstraint, InteractionOptions? interactionOptions, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') int? interactiveFlags, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') bool? debugMultiFingerGestureWinner, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') bool? enableMultiFingerGestureRace, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? rotationThreshold, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') int? rotationWinGestures, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? pinchZoomThreshold, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') int? pinchZoomWinGestures, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? pinchMoveThreshold, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') int? pinchMoveWinGestures, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') bool? enableScrollWheel, @Deprecated('Prefer setting this in `interactionOptions`. ' 'This option is now part of `interactionOptions` to group all interaction related options. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') double? scrollWheelVelocity, double? minZoom, double? maxZoom, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFE0E0E0), TapCallback? onTap, TapCallback? onSecondaryTap, LongPressCallback? onLongPress, PointerDownCallback? onPointerDown, PointerUpCallback? onPointerUp, PointerCancelCallback? onPointerCancel, PointerHoverCallback? onPointerHover, PositionCallback? onPositionChanged, MapEventCallback? onMapEvent, VoidCallback? onMapReady, @Deprecated('Prefer `cameraConstraint` instead. ' 'This option is now replaced by `cameraConstraint` which provides more flexibile limiting of the map position. ' 'This option is deprecated since v6.') LatLngBounds? maxBounds, bool keepAlive = false, bool applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers = true})


applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers bool
Whether to apply pointer translucency to all layers automatically
backgroundColor Color
bounds LatLngBounds?
boundsOptions FitBoundsOptions
cameraConstraint CameraConstraint
Note that this getter exists to make sure that the deprecated maxBounds option is consistently used. Making this a getter allows the constructor to remain const.
no setter
crs Crs
The Coordinate Reference System, defaults to Epsg3857.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
initialCameraFit CameraFit?
Defines the visible bounds when the map is first loaded. Takes precedence over initialCenter/initialZoom.
initialCenter → LatLng
The center when the map is first loaded. If initialCameraFit is defined this has no effect.
initialRotation double
The rotation when the map is first loaded.
initialZoom double
The zoom when the map is first loaded. If initialCameraFit is defined this has no effect.
interactionOptions InteractionOptions
no setter
keepAlive bool
Flag to enable the built in keep alive functionality
maxBounds LatLngBounds?
maxZoom double?
minZoom double?
onLongPress LongPressCallback?
onMapEvent MapEventCallback?
onMapReady VoidCallback?
OnMapReady is called after the map runs it's initState. At that point the map has assigned its state to the controller Only use this if your map isn't built immediately (like inside FutureBuilder) and you need to access the controller as soon as the map is built. Otherwise you can use WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback In initState to controll the map before the next frame.
onPointerCancel PointerCancelCallback?
onPointerDown PointerDownCallback?
onPointerHover PointerHoverCallback?
onPointerUp PointerUpCallback?
onPositionChanged PositionCallback?
onSecondaryTap TapCallback?
onTap TapCallback?
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

maybeOf(BuildContext context) MapOptions?
The options of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor, null is returned.
of(BuildContext context) MapOptions
The options of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor a StateError will be thrown.