MapOptions class

All options for the FlutterMap widget.



MapOptions({Crs crs = const Epsg3857(), LatLng initialCenter = const LatLng(50.5, 30.51), double initialZoom = 13.0, double initialRotation = 0.0, CameraFit? initialCameraFit, CameraConstraint cameraConstraint = const CameraConstraint.unconstrained(), InteractionOptions interactionOptions = const InteractionOptions(), double? minZoom, double? maxZoom, Color backgroundColor = const Color(0xFFE0E0E0), TapCallback? onTap, TapCallback? onSecondaryTap, LongPressCallback? onLongPress, PointerDownCallback? onPointerDown, PointerUpCallback? onPointerUp, PointerCancelCallback? onPointerCancel, PointerHoverCallback? onPointerHover, PositionCallback? onPositionChanged, MapEventCallback? onMapEvent, VoidCallback? onMapReady, bool keepAlive = false, @Deprecated('If necessary, manually wrap layers with `TransulcentPointer` widgets. ' 'This parameter will be removed as proper hit detection has now been incorporated into both `PolygonLayer` & `PolylineLayer`, which reduces the need for this workaround, and because it caused issues in some cases. More information about hit detection & interactivity rules can be found in the online documentation. ' 'The default of this parameter is now `false` and will use the rules above - the option is retained so as not to break APIs. ' 'This feature was deprecated (and the default changed) after v7.') bool applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers = false})
Create the map options for FlutterMap.


applyPointerTranslucencyToLayers bool
backgroundColor Color
The background color of the FlutterMap widget, defaults to a yellow grey-ish color.
cameraConstraint CameraConstraint
Define limits for viewing the map.
crs Crs
The Coordinate Reference System, defaults to Epsg3857.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
initialCameraFit CameraFit?
Defines the visible bounds when the map is first loaded. Takes precedence over initialCenter/initialZoom.
initialCenter → LatLng
The center when the map is first loaded. If initialCameraFit is defined this has no effect.
initialRotation double
The rotation when the map is first loaded.
initialZoom double
The zoom when the map is first loaded. If initialCameraFit is defined this has no effect.
interactionOptions InteractionOptions
Gesture and input options for the map widget.
keepAlive bool
Flag to enable the built in keep alive functionality
maxZoom double?
The maximum (highest) zoom level of every layer. Each layer can specify additional zoom level restrictions.
minZoom double?
The minimum (smallest) zoom level of every layer. Each layer can specify additional zoom level restrictions.
onLongPress LongPressCallback?
Callback that fires when the primary pointer has remained in contact with the screen at the same location for a long period of time.
onMapEvent MapEventCallback?
This callback fires on every map event that gets emitted. Check the type of MapEvent to distinguish between the different event types.
onMapReady VoidCallback?
OnMapReady is called after the map runs it's initState. At that point the map has assigned its state to the controller Only use this if your map isn't built immediately (like inside FutureBuilder) and you need to access the controller as soon as the map is built. Otherwise you can use WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback In initState to controll the map before the next frame.
onPointerCancel PointerCancelCallback?
This callback fires when the pointer that previously triggered the onTapDown won’t end up causing a tap.
onPointerDown PointerDownCallback?
A pointer that might cause a tap has contacted the screen at a particular location.
onPointerHover PointerHoverCallback?
Called when a pointer that has not triggered an onPointerDown changes position. This is only fired for pointers which report their location when not down (e.g. mouse pointers, but not most touch pointers)
onPointerUp PointerUpCallback?
A pointer that triggers a tap has stopped contacting the screen at a particular location.
onPositionChanged PositionCallback?
This callback fires when the MapCamera data has changed. This gets called if the zoom level, or map center changes.
onSecondaryTap TapCallback?
Callback that fires when the map gets tapped or clicked with the secondary mouse button. This is normally the right mouse button.
onTap TapCallback?
Callback that fires when the map gets tapped or clicked with the primary mouse button. This is normally the left mouse button. This callback does not fire if the gesture is recognized as a double click.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

maybeOf(BuildContext context) MapOptions?
The options of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor, null is returned.
of(BuildContext context) MapOptions
The options of the closest FlutterMap ancestor. If this is called from a context with no FlutterMap ancestor a StateError will be thrown.