Adapters provide a mechanism to drive an animation from an arbitrary source.
For example, synchronizing an animation with a scroll, controlling
an animation with a slider input, or progressing an animation based on
the time of day.
The Flutter Animate library makes adding beautiful animated effects to your widgets
simple. It supports both a declarative and chained API. The latter is exposed
via the Widget.animate extension, which simply wraps the widget in Animate.
Applies animated effects to a list of widgets. It does this by wrapping each
widget in Animate, and then proxying calls to all instances. It can
also offset the timing of each widget's animation via interval.
An effect that animates a BoxShadow between begin and end (via DecoratedBox).
A value of null for either will be interpreted as a shadow that matches the other shadow but
with a zero offset and blurRadius.
You can also specify a borderRadius that defines rounded corners for the shadow.
Defaults to begin=null, end=BoxShadow(color: Color(0x80000000), blurRadius: 8.0, offset: Offset(0.0, 4.0))
An effect that calls a callback function at a particular point in the animation.
It includes a boolean value indicating if the animation is playing in reverse.
An effect that animates a Color between begin and end, composited with
the target using blendMode (via ColorFiltered). A color value of null
will be interpreted as a fully transparent version of the other color.
Defaults to begin=null, end=Color(0x800099FF).
An effect that crossfades the incoming child (including preceeding effects)
with a new widget (via Stack and FadeTransition). It uses a builder so
that the effect can be reused, but note that the builder is only called once
when the effect initially builds.
Provide an easy way to add custom animated effects via a builder method that
accepts a BuildContext, target child, and calculated animation value
between begin and end.
Because Effect classes are immutable and may be reused between multiple
Animate (or AnimateList) instances, an EffectEntry is created to store
values that may be different between instances. For example, due to an
interval on AnimateList, or from inheriting timing parameters.
An effect that animates a Material elevation shadow between begin and end (via PhysicalModel).
You can also specify a shadow color and borderRadius to add rounded corners.
It defaults to begin=0, end=8.
Effect that rotates the target between begin and end (via RotationTransition).
Values are specified in "turns" (360° or 2𝝅 radians), so a begin=0.25, end=2.25 would start with the child
rotated a quarter turn clockwise (90 degrees), and rotate two full turns (ending at 810 degrees).
Defaults to begin=-1.0, end=0.
An effect that animates the color saturation of the target. The begin and
end values indicate the saturation level, where 0 is fully desaturated
(ie. grayscale) and 1 is normal saturation. Values >1 will oversaturate.
Defaults to begin=0, end=1.
An effect that scales the target between the specified begin and end
offset values (via Transform.scale).
Defaults to begin=Offset(0,0), end=Offset(1,1).
Effect that applies an animated fragment shader to a target. See
Writing and using fragment shaders
for information on how to include shaders in your app.
An effect that moves the target based on a fraction of its size
per the specified begin and end offsets (via SlideTransition).
Defaults to begin=Offset(0, -0.5),
(slide down from half its height).
An effect that swaps out the incoming child for a new child at a particular
point in time. This includes all preceding effects. It uses a builder so
that the effect can be reused, but note that the builder is only called once
when the effect initially builds.
A special convenience "effect" that makes it easier to sequence effects after
one another. It does this by establishing a new baseline time equal to the
previous effect's end time and its own optional delay.
All subsequent effect delays are relative to this new baseline.
An effect that applies an animated color tint to the target (via ColorFiltered).
The begin and end values indicate the strength of the tint (0 - 0% tint, 1 - 100% tint).
Defaults to begin=0, end=1.
The builder type used by Animate.reparentTypes. It must accept an existing
parent widget, and rebuild it with the provided child. In effect, it clones
the provided parent widget with the new child.