FlipEffectExtensions<T extends AnimateManager<T>> extension

Adds FlipEffect related extensions to AnimateManager.

  • T


flip({Duration? delay, Duration? duration, Curve? curve, double? begin, double? end, Alignment? alignment, double? perspective, Axis? direction}) → T
Adds a FlipEffect that animates a 2.5D card flip rotation effect (via Transform). The effect can be horizontal or vertical. The begin and end values specify the number of "flips" (ie. half turns, 180° or 𝝅 radians) from nominal.
flipH({Duration? delay, Duration? duration, Curve? curve, double? begin, double? end, Alignment? alignment, double? perspective}) → T
Adds a FlipEffect that animates a horizontal 2.5D card flip rotation effect (via Transform). The begin and end values specify the number of "flips" (ie. half turns, 180° or 𝝅 radians) from nominal.
flipV({Duration? delay, Duration? duration, Curve? curve, double? begin, double? end, Alignment? alignment, double? perspective}) → T
Adds a FlipEffect that animates a vertical 2.5D card flip rotation effect (via Transform). The begin and end values specify the number of "flips" (ie. half turns, 180° or 𝝅 radians) from nominal.