fleet library


AnimatableAlignmentGeometry Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to an AlignmentGeometry through an AlignmentGeometryTween.
AnimatableBoxConstraints Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a BoxConstraints through a BoxConstraintsTween.
AnimatableColor Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a Color through a ColorTween.
AnimatableDecoration Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a Decoration through a DecorationTween.
AnimatableDouble Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a double through a Tween.
AnimatableEdgeInsetsGeometry Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to an EdgeInsetsGeometry through an EdgeInsetsGeometryTween.
AnimatableInt Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to an int through an IntTween.
AnimatableMatrix4 Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a Matrix4 through a Matrix4Tween.
AnimatableObject<T> Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a value of an interpolatable type T.
AnimatableParameter<T> Animation
A wrapper around an animatable parameter of a widget that supports animating with Fleet.
A host for AnimatableParameters that manages the lifecycle of the parameters and propagates changes to and from them.
AnimatableRect Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a Rect through a RectTween.
AnimatableRenderObjectWidget<T extends Object> Animation
A RenderObjectWidget that transparently animates some or all of its parameters with AnimatableParameters.
AnimatableSize Animation
An AnimatableParameter that animates changes to a Size through a SizeTween.
AnimatableStatelessWidget<T extends Object> Animation
A StatelessWidget that transparently animates some or all of its parameters with AnimatableParameters.
Animated Animation
A widget that applies an animation to state changes in its descendants.
AnimationSpec Animation
Specification for animating state changes.
Combinations of Edges.
EnvironmentKey<T, K extends EnvironmentKey<T, K>>
A key for accessing and modifying associated values from the BuildContext.
FleetAlign Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Align.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of AspectRatio.
FleetCenter Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Center.
FleetColoredBox Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of ColoredBox.
FleetColumn Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Column.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of ConstrainedBox.
FleetContainer Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Container.
FleetDecoratedBox Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of DecoratedBox.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of FittedBox.
FleetFlex Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Flex.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of FractionallySizedBox.
FleetFractionalTranslation Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of FractionalTranslation.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of LimitedBox.
FleetOpacity Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Opacity.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of OverflowBox.
FleetPadding Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Padding.
FleetPositioned Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Positioned.
FleetPositionedDirectional Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of PositionedDirectional.
FleetRow Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Row.
FleetSizedBox Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of SizedBox.
Fleet's drop-in replacement of SizedOverflowBox.
FleetSliverOpacity Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of SliverOpacity.
FleetSliverPadding Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of SliverPadding.
FleetTransform Flutter drop-in replacement
Fleet's drop-in replacement of Transform.
Applies opinionated defaults to the descendants of this widget, for configurable features of Fleet.
OptionalAnimatableAlignmentGeometry Animation
Version of AnimatableAlignmentGeometry for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableBoxConstraints Animation
Version of AnimatableBoxConstraints for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableColor Animation
Version of AnimatableColor for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableDecoration Animation
Version of AnimatableDecoration for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableDouble Animation
Version of AnimatableDouble for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableEdgeInsetsGeometry Animation
Version of AnimatableEdgeInsetsGeometry for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableInt Animation
Version of AnimatableInt for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableMatrix4 Animation
Version of AnimatableMatrix4 for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableObject<T> Animation
Version of AnimatableObject for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableRect Animation
Version of AnimatableRect for optional parameters.
OptionalAnimatableSize Animation
Version of AnimatableSize for optional parameters.
Adds an equal amount of padding to specific edges around child.


An edge of a rectangle.


A mixin that implements most of the functionality of a AnimatableParameterHost.
AnimatableSingleChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin<T extends Object> Animation
A mixin that allows a SingleChildRenderObjectWidget to transparently animate some or all of its parameters with AnimatableParameters.
AnimatingStateMixin<T extends StatefulWidget> Animation
Mixin for the State of a StatefulWidget for conveniently applying animations when making state changes.


AnimationFromCurveExtension on Curve Animation
Extension for creating AnimationSpecs from Curves.
DurationFromIntExtension on int Animation
Extension for creating Durations from ints.
EnvironmentValueModifiers on EnvironmentKey<T, K>
Methods on EnvironmentKey for modifying the value of the key.
FleetColumnApplyChildren on FleetColumn
Extension to provide children of FleetColumn through partial-application.
FleetFlexApplyChildren on FleetFlex
Extension to provide children of FleetFlex through partial-application.
FleetIndexedStackApplyChildren on IndexedStack
Extension to provide children of IndexedStack through partial-application.
FleetRowApplyChildren on FleetRow
Extension to provide children of FleetRow through partial-application.
FleetStackApplyChildren on Stack
Extension to provide children of Stack through partial-application.
FleetWrapApplyChildren on Wrap
Extension to provide children of Wrap through partial-application.


defaultHorizontalMainAxisSize → const _DefaultHorizontalMainAxisSize
EnvironmentKey for the default value for FleetFlex.mainAxisSize that is used when no MainAxisSize is explicitly specified.
defaultUniformPadding → const _DefaultUniformPaddingKey
EnvironmentKey for the default amount of padding to use in UniformPadding.
defaultVerticalMainAxisSize → const _DefaultVerticalMainAxisSize
EnvironmentKey for the default value for FleetFlex.mainAxisSize that is used when no MainAxisSize is explicitly specified.


withAnimation<T>(AnimationSpec animation, Block<T> block) → T Animation
Applies an animation to the state changes caused by calling block.


Block<T> = T Function()
A function that runs a block of code, with a return value of type T.