Effort class controls resources, that are meant for chore.
Common resources are in equ with mission.
Effort is working-screen for user, with in and out-data.
interface-Base class for mis classes, serves more like a model to
further develop more complicated classes.
users: affair, bind, mis_interf, misorate, store
project: InterfaceBasis
devl:MIS Use some private methods, for not to spam scope.
Mission avoids consciously using clear and handy structure of Chore class,
for to leave space for innovation and to find different solutions for ops.
Mission handles acts below -app level, but above chore.
Mission can include many chores. 7 Chores are build by default.
devl:MIS Mission has 31 public members !!
TESTED: when extending BaseStruct: Too many arguments in constructor.
#NOTE: #effort is not visible here. Only in chore.dart.
Buffer also outside class, for testing and adding visibility.
Generic list to keep all missions.
In case for handling other, super- or sub-missions; code something more.
buildMissions() fills this Map. It is outside of the Class.
#QUEST: Construct functions outside of Chore and use them for something.
Assume that Chore needs outside-activity to organize all-Chore's.
Outer functions return a String value to Map<String, String> operations.
Some elementary: "execute-in-every-user-command-if-flagged" ideas.
Sometimes these 11 functions are executed in EVERY occasion / keystroke..
devl:MIS devMemo: == #chore, that is always in dawoApp
So dawoApp uses chore to maintain it's work-projects.
Initializing of chore system. Update dev-class.
CalledBy: dawo_app build.