conduct? affair!!
Second or third alternative to operations, besides :corporate:
Global operations. Some dawo #operation could relay on these.
Order: #actor #sender #receiver #command #msg
Early development state, idea: 15%
This can be #sub-process, that normal rollOp uses. #Connector may give
this extra power and connect to other operations.
For that, here should be added fields.
IDEA: Change this name to class CoOp. So why not: Coup.
Construct almost same class: but for collecting data.
Would like to extend this from Connector: class, but it do not have
a none argument constructor.
.. but Connector do not have ..
howTo:class extend class that have constructor with arguments?
interface-Base class for corp classes, serves more like a model to
further develop more complicated classes.
users: affair, bind, corp_interf, corporate, store
Here objects work together after #connector joins them to system.
howTo:mixin hkl: extended class should not have mixins inside
only extenders have mixin