hacker/hack library

hack library

  • dwv: version: 0.9.6. 1.4.2022. Some extra useful code


try to make a class
TODO teamNext class : NOT-READY not much use yet to BatLoop class but however... of course here must be class for this..
TODO teamNext PLAN: Use futures for outPut Made it a class


adf AdfBase
getter/setter pair
batFlags Map<String, bool>
NOT-READY sample-data batFlags
getter/setter pair
batHurry Map<num, String>
NOT-READY, PLAN? bat Hurry map xxx
getter/setter pair
batInfo Map<String, String>
sample data to develope some maps for dawlib PLAN: Maybe: menu... mnFile, mnOpen, mnEdit ...
getter/setter pair
batLoopReadiness num
batonCount int
getter/setter pair
batonMsg StringBuffer
TODO every stream-function adds own message to batonMsg and ++ batonCount So we can at the end see, what had happened
getter/setter pair
batWorld Map<String, String>
PLAN: autoRunMap
getter/setter pair
blc BatLoopClass
getter/setter pair
dawLibStreamReadiness num
getter/setter pair
hackInfoS String
getter/setter pair
lSS LearnStreamSync
create instance constructor
getter/setter pair
streamBuf StringBuffer
getter/setter pair
streamMotto String
getter/setter pair


batLooperTest() → void
UNTESTED: tests batLoop functions
commandLoop() → void
model from dartlang.org sample loop for switch cases
hack() → void
Just to use them
isBoolLoop() → void
borrowed directly from dartlang docs... I think TODO teamNext NOT-READY. PLAN: yes.. but what?
oneRowIf() → void
from dartlang.org For very simple conditions, you can write an if statement on one line of code. Here is an example:
renderBatLoop() → void