Results53 packages
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An ethereum JSON RPC 2.0 client for Dart. Interfaces ethereum API calls to Dart types and vice versa.
A dart library to generate, checksum, and validate Ethereum addresses
Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts!
Crypto wallet package for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tron written in pure Dart.
Streamline Ethereum, Tron, Solana and Cardano operations. Effortlessly create transactions, interact with smart contracts, sign, and send transactions.#tron#ethereum#cardano#solana#wallet
Utility to convert an upper or lower case Web3/Ethereum address to a checksum address (EIP55).
Ethereum signature utility porting from JS
EIP-1559 Ethereum and Web3 market fee and gas estimation for Dart.
WebThree - a web3 library for dart for interaction with ethereum nodes using HTTP or WebSocket. Supports custom credentials providers like WalletConnect and Metamask.
An Ethereum RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding library for Dart.

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