wallet 0.0.13
wallet: ^0.0.13 copied to clipboard
Crypto wallet package for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tron written in pure Dart.
Crypto wallet package for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tron written in pure Dart.
Getting started #
In your pubspec.yaml
file add:
wallet: any
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Usage #
Create Tron address from Mnemonic and Passphrase #
import 'package:wallet/wallet.dart' as wallet;
final mnemonic = '<YOUR MNEMONIC>';
final passphrase = '';
final seed = wallet.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase);
final master = wallet.ExtendedPrivateKey.master(seed, wallet.xprv);
final root = master.forPath("m/44'/195'/0'/0/0");
final privateKey = wallet.PrivateKey((root as wallet.ExtendedPrivateKey).key);
final publicKey = wallet.tron.createPublicKey(privateKey);
final address = wallet.tron.createAddress(publicKey);
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Validate a Tron address #
import 'package:wallet/wallet.dart' as wallet;
const address = 'TCB9WxaRSMEXiVaVys9DEAXbRc6JNuKpjA';
final isValid = wallet.isValidTronAddress(address);
print(isValid); // True
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