Results25 packages
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Dart package to implement forms in an easy, fast and effective way using the bloc package
The validator package comes with several common validations and removes the boiler plate code from your project.
A dart based port of fluent validation for C#. FluentValidation allows easy validation of objects without crazy amounts of boilerplate.
Simplify your form validation process with this library. It provides a declarative approach to perform form validation that would make code much more readable and simple.
Cross-platform HTTP request body validator library based on `matcher`.
easily validate classes (DTO) with decorators to make it cleaner and easier to read [part of palace]
A light and easy to get started with HTTP server library for Dart
A collection of customizable interactive command-line components.
A sophisticated tool for managing queues of asynchronous tasks, with a stream interface, strong typing and lots of helpful options.
Dart console SDK - write console (cli) apps/scripts using dart.

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