Results24 packages
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A Nextcloud API client written in Dart supporting all maintained Nextcloud server versions.#nextcloud#openapi#webdav
The at_client library is the non-platform specific Client SDK which provides the essential methods for building an app using the atProtocol.
Make windows installer for Flutter & vanilla Dart powered apps powered by Inno Setup.
Official CLI for GetX™ framework to build Flutter and Server Applications easily
Command-line tool for Patrol, a powerful Flutter-native UI testing framework. #test#cli#patrol
A Dart package that allows interaction with the NuGet Server API.#nuget#nuget-server-api#nuget-api#api
Library of useful stuff when building cli programs which use the AtClient SDK
CLI that can publish Widgetbook builds and reviews to Widgetbook Cloud.#widgetbook#storybook#ui#tool#cli
A Dart package for automating the build, upload, and get the link of the APK and IPA files.
EDF lib for Dart (FFI bindings to edflib, a C-library created by

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