Results62 packages
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A modern HTTP server application framework, ORM and OAuth2 provider with OpenAPI 3.0 integration. Foundation for REST, RPC or GraphQL services.
Serverpod is an open-source, scalable app server, written in Dart for the Flutter community.#backend#server#network#rest#database
Postgres implementation and APIs for the drift database package.
Bones_API - A powerful API backend framework for Dart. It comes with a built-in HTTP Server, route handler, entity handler, SQL translator, and DB adapters.
A Dart implementation for ElectricSQL ( client.
A strongly-typed postgres ORM to provide easy bindings between your dart classes and postgres database.
Dart implementation of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) using PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL support for Angel3 ORM. Includes functionality for querying and transactions.
A dart library that allows you to execute SQL queries in the PostgreSQL database in a fluent way, is very easy to execute.
PostgresSQL, MYSQL query builder, Support Model, Where, orWhere, Find, Join, softDeletes, Debugging and many mores.

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