Results419 packages
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A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.#bloc#state-management
MobX is a library for reactively managing the state of your applications. Use the power of observables, actions, and reactions to supercharge your Dart and Flutter apps.#reactive-programming#state-management
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.#bloc#cache#state-management
Custom event transformers inspired by ember concurrency. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.#bloc#concurrency#state-management
A testing library which makes it easy to test blocs. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.#bloc#state-management#test
A server and browser based MQTT client for Dart supporting normal, secure sockets and websockets.#iot#chat#mqtt#data
A Dart template generator which helps teams generate files quickly and consistently. #mason#template#generator
A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart built by Very Good Ventures.#server#backend#shelf#dart-frog
Code generator for MobX that adds support for annotating your code with @observable, @computed, @action and also creating Store classes.#reactive-programming#state-management#codegen
A Dart package which enables checking whether a package is up to date.#cli#pub#version

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