Results95 packages
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Asynchronous tasks and parallel executors (similar to thread pools) for all Dart platforms (transparently), without having to deal with `Isolate` complexity.
A library to write YAML documents, supporting Object encoding and 'dart:convert' 'Converter'.
A high-level GitHub API Client Library that uses Github's v3 API
Statistics package for easy and efficient data manipulation with built-in Bayesian Network (Bayes Net), many mathematical functions and tools.
Dart package to render JSON data to YAML with built-in automatic beautifier and support for Dart pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock conventions
Allows Dart reflection with an easy approach, even for third-party classes, using code generation portable for all Dart platforms.
Generate and manipulate DOM elements (virtual or real), DSX (like JSX) and HTML declarations (Web and Native support).
Dart async extensions, to help usage of Future, FutureOr and async methods. Also allows performance improvements when using sync and async code.
Portable HTTP client (Browser and Native support) with memory cache and support for methods GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH and OPTIONS.
Bones_UI - An intuitive and user-friendly Web User Interface framework for Dart.

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