Results54 packages
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Dart package that provides a lightweight implementation of the Mediator pattern tailored for Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) applications.#cqrs#mediator#mediatr#command#query
Flutter Package Platform Detector analyzes Flutter project dependencies.
Utilities to help with Dart source code generation. Includes utilities for properly generating String literals from any String value.
A simple to use mocking package for Dio intended to be used in tests. It provides various types and methods to declaratively mock request-response communication.
Multi-purpose immutable DateTime subclass. Supports multiple localizations to easily convert DateTime and Duration into human-readable format
A tool for managing Dart & Flutter repositories with multiple packages (monorepo). Supports automated versioning via Conventional Commits. Inspired by JavaScripts Lerna package.
A Dart package to convert and format `DateTime` object into `get_time_ago` format to get String like `10 seconds ago`, `a minute ago`, `7 hours ago`, etc.
A non-interactive HTML documentation generator for Dart source code.
Dart client library for accessing the HTTP API of Typesense search engine.
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