shorebird_code_push 2.0.3
shorebird_code_push: ^2.0.3 copied to clipboard
Check for and download Shorebird code push updates from your app.
Shorebird Code Push #
A Dart package for communicating with the Shorebird Code Push Updater. Use this in your Shorebird app to:
- ✅ Get the currently installed patch version
- ✅ Check whether a new patch is available
- ✅ Download new patches
Getting Started #
If your Flutter app does not already use Shorebird, follow our Getting Started Guide to add code push to your app.
Installation #
flutter pub add shorebird_code_push
Usage #
After adding the package to your pubspec.yaml
, you can use it in your app like
// Import the library
import 'package:shorebird_code_push/shorebird_code_push.dart';
// Launch your app
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
// [Other code here]
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
// Create an instance of the updater class
final updater = ShorebirdUpdater();
void initState() {
// Get the current patch number and print it to the console.
// It will be `null` if no patches are installed.
updater.readCurrentPatch().then((currentPatch) {
print('The current patch number is: ${currentPatch?.number}');
Future<void> _checkForUpdates() async {
// Check whether a new update is available.
final status = await updater.checkForUpdate();
if (status == UpdateStatus.outdated) {
try {
// Perform the update
await updater.update();
} on UpdateException catch (error) {
// Handle any errors that occur while updating.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
// [Other code here]
child: Text('Check for update'),
onPressed: _checkForUpdates,
// [Other code here]
See the example for a complete working app.
Join us on Discord! #
We have an active Discord server where you can ask questions and get help.
Contributing #