Results33 packages
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A Flutter paginator widget for switching between page numbers.
Flutter widget that provides simple calculator. You can easily integrate a calculator to your apps.
Flexible to control Onboarding overlay with or without target element (fork from onboard_overlay)
A Flutter package of Date Picker that looks like Holo Theme in Android.
Flutter's full customizable side menu has been used as a directory for Related Pages, Navigation Items, Filter side and more
A lightweight, customizable, and easy-to-use framework to create presentations in Flutter.#flutterdeck#presentation#slides
flutter widget that grouping checkbox, recuperate the actual selection,support multiple selection
A customizable onboarding screen with different options and animations for your flutter apps.
This plugin provides a customizable resume template that can be easily integrated into a Flutter application.
Create a nice looking presentations in Flutter with animations and code. Intended for techical talks and videos.#presentation#slides

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