
  • Packages
Results10 packages owned by yakov.codes
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Modern implementation of the Original BLoC that uses asynchronous generators to describe relationships between events and states.
Functional programming essentials for Dart. Tail call optimization, partial application, memoization, and more.
An expressive and type-safe wrapper around Shared Preferences with additional features like Observers and DAOs.
Extensible and customizable logging framework for Dart and Flutter.
Modular and compile-time safe DI for Dart without fragility and magic.
Modular and compile-time safe DI for Flutter without fragility and magic.
Code generation for selectors of class fields and enum cases that helps reduce repetitive code.
List of strict linter rules that can be used both in Dart and Flutter projects to enforce a highly maintainable style.
List of strict linter rules that can be used both in Dart and Flutter projects to enforce a highly maintainable style that includes additional Dart Code Metric integration.
Annotations for the select code generator that are used in pair with it.