
  • Packages
Results8 packages owned by uekoetter.dev
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A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app.
A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app and upload it as an issue to GitLab
Automatic capture of exceptions and GraphQL errors for the gql eco-system, like graphql and ferry
A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app and upload it to Sentry.io
This package contains a few InkSplash and InkRipple alternatives for a better UI
Plugin to deal with PKPass files on iOS. You can check for availabililty and add them.#passkit#pkpass
Sentry integration for dart_frog. Capture errors and trace performance#server#http#middleware#error#dart-frog
An image provider which makes use of package:http to instead of dart:io#cupertino-http#cronet-http#image-provider